
happiness ['hæpɪnəs]  [ˈhæpɪnɪs] 

happiness 基本解释

名词幸福; 高兴; 恰当; 合适

happiness 反义词


名词sadness sorrow despair misery unhappiness

happiness 相关例句


1. After they got married, they had many years of happiness.

2. Money does not always bring happiness.

3. It's a great happiness to us to have a grand banquet in your honour here.

happiness 网络解释

1. 高兴:人们说谎的时候会有一些特别的反映,如出汗、紧张、面部表情变化等,测谎仪是如何侦测的,然后具体说了人在说谎的时候面部表情的变化,如眉毛发生变化,额头上的lines(应该是皱纹的意思)等,这些对应的人的情绪有悲伤(sadness),高兴(happiness)和生气(angry

2. 幸福;快乐:10 D 常识运用逻辑推理 然而,我们都经历过这样的场合:我们向某人说出了自己的心思,确切地告诉他们我们的感觉,结果却使得我们心里充满的不是激动(excitement)、幸福快乐(happiness)、自豪骄傲(pride)、而是负有内疚(guilt)感.

happiness 单语例句

1. Liu says heartfelt happiness is his primary when it comes to business management.

2. I believe happiness is not only what we have got, but what we have shared.

3. And officials should feel more empowered by the trust and happiness expressed in the letter and want to help even more people.

4. Easier access to information worldwide subverts people's reference system by which they define their happiness.

5. happiness的解释

5. My father's " candle spirit " has lighted many people's lives and brought comfort, happiness and improved the standard of living for many.

6. And she views her life as a career diplomat with optimism and happiness.

7. The pontiff told the congregation of his happiness at visiting the cathedral, adding that it was a day " which centuries and generations have awaited ".

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8. So perhaps there is truth in the old adage that'money can't buy happiness'.

9. That is the fundamental incentive for players struggling for the final championship title, whereas the honor and happiness they bring to the city are just byproducts.

10. They have three months of your rent at a time and your deposit, so their strength of character is paramount to your happiness as a tenant.

happiness 英英释义


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1. emotions experienced when in a state of well-being

2. state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy

    Synonym: felicity