
happy [ˈhæpi]  [ˈhæpi] 



happy 基本解释

形容词快乐的; 幸福的; 巧妙的; 〈口〉有点醉意的

happy 同义词


形容词blissful contented joyful bright glad cheerful radiant

happy 反义词


形容词sad melancholy gloomy downcast miserable unhappy

happy 相关例句


1. He won't be happy with the result.

2. I am happy to accept your invitation.

3. She is a happy girl.

4. That was not a very happy remark on the wedding.

5. Happy birthday to you!

happy 情景对话



A:Happy New Year!

B:The same to you!


A:Happy Easter!

B:You, too!


A:Happy Thanksgiving!

B:You, too.

happy 网络解释

1. 高兴的:并不是所有的那些从城市搬到乡下的人是高兴的(happy) 作为一个结果,相当多的人已经从搬到乡下搬回了这座城市.

happy 词典解释

1. 高兴的;快乐的
    Someone who is happy has feelings of pleasure, usually because something nice has happened or because they feel satisfied with their life.

    e.g. Marina was a confident, happy child...
    e.g. I'm just happy to be back running...

Albert leaned back happily and lit a cigarette.
I think mostly she was looking for happiness.

2. (时光、地点或关系)令人愉快的,幸福的
    A happy time, place, or relationship is full of happy feelings and pleasant experiences, or has an atmosphere in which people feel happy.

    e.g. Except for her illnesses, she had had a particularly happy childhood...
    e.g. It had always been a happy place...

3. (对情况或安排)满意的,放心的
    If you are happy about a situation or arrangement, you are satisfied with it, for example because you think that something is being done in the right way.

    e.g. If you are not happy about a repair, go back and complain...
    e.g. He's happy that I deal with it myself...

4. 乐意的;情愿的
    If you say you are happy to do something, you mean that you are very willing to do it.

    e.g. I'll be happy to answer any questions if there are any...
    e.g. That's a risk I'm happy to take.

If I've caused any offence over something I have written, I will happily apologise.

5. (表示祝福)…快乐
    Happy is used in greetings and other conventional expressions to say that you hope someone will enjoy a special occasion.

    e.g. Happy Birthday!...
    e.g. Happy Easter!

6. (巧合)幸运的,令人愉快的
    A happy coincidence is one that results in something pleasant or helpful happening.

    e.g. By happy coincidence, Robert met Richard and Julia and discovered they were experiencing similar problems.

happy 单语例句

1. happy的翻译

1. You can bet that they are not going to be happy just sharpening the language skills of their future business leaders.

2. But for now, the NASA scientists are happy with the test drive.

3. But for now, she is happy to live in the present.

4. But for others, there is more than money that makes them happy.

5. happy的解释

5. But what environmentalist would be happy with a 43 percent increase in emissions?

6. But by now, he is happy to down a few glasses with his male relatives.

7. By the day's end, we were actually happy to have had such close encounters with fellow travelers.

8. In Happy Forward, two anchors deliver a happy half hour by broadcasting the latest jokes.

9. Then they would be free to choose a happy and easy way to get married instead of being bound by tradition.

10. It is unpleasant to eat in a restaurant by yourself when surrounded by happy couples.

happy 英英释义



1. danci.911cha.com

1. well expressed and to the point

    e.g. a happy turn of phrase
           a few well-chosen words

    Synonym: well-chosen

2. marked by good fortune

    e.g. a felicitous life
           a happy outcome

    Synonym: felicitous

3. enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure

    e.g. a happy smile
           spent many happy days on the beach
           a happy marriage

4. danci.911cha.com

4. eagerly disposed to act or to be of service

    e.g. glad to help

    Synonym: glad