
harangue [həˈræŋ]  [həˈræŋ] 






harangue 基本解释




harangue 相关例句


1. He harangued his fellow students and persuaded them to walk out.


1. The minister of propaganda delivered his usual harangue.

harangue 网络解释


1. 指责性的:haram 内室 | harangue 指责性的 | Harari 哈拉尔族人

2. 训斥性的演说:Commendable:值得表扬的 | Harangue:训斥性的演说 | Intemperate:过度的

3. 训斥性的演说nVU中国英语学习网:commendable:值得表扬的nVU中国英语学习网 | harangue:训斥性的演说nVU中国英语学习网 | intemperate:过度的nVU中国英语学习网

4. 热烈的讨论:haptotropismstereotropismthigmotropism 向触性 | harangue 热烈的讨论 | harangue 向...夸大地讲话

harangue 双语例句

1. The baker continues his harangue as if nothing had happened.

2. Everyday, come from the ground that the netizen of all corners of the land collects in this dimension, harangue, make tea the wine that boil, ask a hero the way.

3. The article of harangue, affirmation won't be travelled together to approbate, veteran, the reader that is eager to hope for success is valued.

4. Yesterday he was heard to speak at great length/harangue among his friends with words startling all the present; today he was heard at the endless meeting to repeat the opinion he held yesterday.

5. And here she closed her harangue: a long one for her, and uttered with the demureness of a Quakeress.

6. The slightest hint of disagreement, from anyone, on the most trivial point, was enough to set him off on a harangue that might last for hours, in which he proved himself right in so many ways, and with such exhausting volubility, that in the end his hearer, stunned and deafened, would agree with him, for the sake of peace.

7. The slightest hint of disagreement, from anyone, on the maximum trivial point, were full to set him off on a harangue those may continue for hours, in which he proved himself right in so a lot ways, and with like this exhausting volubility, those in the end his listene notr, stunned and deafened, will agree with him, for the sake of peace.

8. Harangue that might last for hours, in which he proved him self right in so m any

9. Don't worry, I didn't get you here to harangue you.

10. We had to listen to a long harangue about our own shortcomings.

11. Can you make out the meaning of his long-winded harangue?

12. Because be achieved formerly, so I choose to convey my article major idea with harangue.

13. He harangue d his fellow students and persuaded them to walk out.

14. In search index props up capture your article and it is compared to it before the article of capture, if before had not appeared, that can be considered as achieve formerly, major search engine likes to collect achieve an article formerly, and give the weight that achieves an article formerly exceedingly tall also, this is the main jumping-off place that I write harangue article.


15. He harangue his fellow student and persuade them to walk out.

16. This character instantly rile a lot of women, the old fool of denounce of female reader harangue that has an anger, cause again new round reader argues.

17. Unfortunately, no questions from the audience broke the continuity of his harangue.


18. The minister of propaganda delivered his usual harangue.


19. After the play he delivered a long harangue about how dreadful the English Theatre was.


20. The mercer indeed made a long harangue of the great loss they have daily by the lifters and thieves.

harangue 词典解释

1. harangue的近义词

1. 努力说服;鼓动
    If someone harangues you, they try to persuade you to accept their opinions or ideas in a forceful way.

    e.g. An argument ensued, with various band members joining in and haranguing Simpson and his girlfriend for over two hours.

2. 慷慨激昂的劝说;喋喋不休的劝说
    A harangue is a long, forceful speech that someone makes to try and persuade other people to accept their opinions.

harangue 英英释义


1. a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion

    Synonym: rant ranting


1. harangue是什么意思

1. deliver a harangue to
    address forcefully