hard lay

hard lay [hɑrd lei]  [hɑː(r)d le] 

hard lay 基本解释
hard lay 网络解释

hard lay的翻译

1. 硬搓绳:hard laid 硬搓绳 | hard lay 硬搓绳 | hard lead 硬铅

2. 硬搓索法;紧捻:hard coral 硬珊瑚 | hard lay 硬搓索法;紧捻 | hard swell 重膨胀[罐]

3. 硬捻:hard landing ==> 硬着陆 | hard lay ==> 硬捻 | hard lead ==> 硬铅,铅锑合金

hard lay 单语例句

1. " I advise not to lay down hard and fast rules in the law, " he said.

2. The source said it did not lay out any hard measures to be taken.