hard put

hard put

hard put 单语例句

1. Even after the safety check system was not put into use, it would have been rather hard sometimes for passengers to jam into a train.

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2. They are unwilling to do hard work, surrender easily to setbacks and often put personal interests before collective interests.

3. And to reward family businesses and farmers for a lifetime of hard work and savings, we put the death tax on the path to extinction.

4. The decision here in Doha made it harder, hard for families to put the food on the table for their children.

5. But one thing is for sure that migrant workers in Singapore deserve better treatment, at least a treatment that matches the hard work they put in.

6. But I still feel for Song and her fellow performers who had worked so hard to put on a stellar performance.

7. hard put

7. It's hard to put into words what it will feel like to run out at the Bernabeu.

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8. New Zealand captain Stephen Fleming put his innings of 80 in Wednesday's Champions Trophy win over Pakistan down to hard work rather than form.

9. The US subprime woes and resulting global economic slowdown may put emerging economies at risks hard to foresee.

10. Such gravity was attached to the morning audience that the emperor himself was hard put to excuse himself from it.