hard shot

hard shot

hard shot 单语例句

1. Official Jess Kersey was KO'd with a split chin before halftime when a blocked shot bounced hard off the whistle still in his mouth.

2. hard shot

2. A minute later, goalie Nadine Angerer dived spectacularly to save a hard shot.

3. Or even Brazil left back Roberto Carlos sending a hard shot off the goalpost that Argentina forward Lionel Messi controls and then shoots home.

4. After long points, it was hard to refocus for the next shot.

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5. Such a huge investment is hard to put in place in one shot, she said.

6. They played hard but we did very well on defense to make them work for every shot and they had a tough time.

7. Robertson blundered, hitting the next shot too hard and allowing Dott in.