
harum-scarum [ˌheərəm ˈskeərəm]  [ˌherəm ˈskerəm] 

harum-scarum 基本解释





harum-scarum 相关例句



1. He ran harum-scarum all over the place.

harum-scarum 网络解释

1. 冒失的:hartshorn 鹿角 | harum-scarum 冒失的 | harumph 哼声

2. 冒失的/轻率的/鲁莽的/轻率地/鲁莽地/粗心的人/粗心/鲁莽:hartung /哈通钨钼钢/ | harum-scarum /冒失的/轻率的/鲁莽的/轻率地/鲁莽地/粗心的人/粗心/鲁莽/ | haruspex /以动物内脏占卜的僧人/

3. 凤凰栖满山:1965 _ Tickle Me 春满众香国 | 1965 _ Harum Scarum 凤凰栖满山 | 1966 _ Frankie And Johnny 河上恋歌

4. 粗心的人:hartung 哈通钨钼钢 | harum-scarum 粗心的人 | harum-scarumimpertinenceimpertinencymadcapoverboldprecipitancerecklessnesssauciness 鲁莽

harum-scarum 双语例句

1. My son does his homework harum-scarum, and that is why his schoolwork is so poor.

2. The mistakes in my work are caused by my harum-scarum.

3. The mistakes are caused by my harum-scarum.

4. Only just giddy, and harum-scarum, you know.

5. I miss you so much, now, I am thinking of what had you said whan I at home, at that time, I was so a harum-scarum boy, and made you so hurt, I'm very sorry.

6. These harum-scarum workers usually use a modem to connect with the internet, so they can send a mail, view the webpage and talk with others.

7. Next you said I warn't BAD, only mischeevous and harum-scarum, and not any more responsible than -- than -- I think it was a colt, or something.


8. Mobile hard disk can not move at will, mobile hard disk and lead plane jumper are general at least a few centimeters, a lot of people copy data at the same time actually, take at the same time in the hand, this is the error with the commonnest you, experience is fluky, your so harum-scarum behavior accumulative total has the possibility 10 times, 30, did not give a business on the spot, but hard disk of day of very possible abrupt some was hanged ahead of schedule, life of normal circumstance hard disk should be more than 35 years, be like what write above advertisement to have average time to failure, allegedly tens of thousands of hour, it is not quite clear that I am written down, when this plaything high speed runs, anyhow must place the platform that stabilizes in to go up.

9. To Jo alone did the shy child tell her thoughts, and over her big harum-scarum sister Beth unconsciously exercised more influence than anyone in the family.

harum-scarum 英英释义


1. harum-scarum的解释

1. a reckless impetuous irresponsible person

    Synonym: daredevil madcap hothead swashbuckler lunatic


1. cheerfully irresponsible

    e.g. carefree with his money
           freewheeling urban youths
           had a harum-scarum youth

    Synonym: carefree devil-may-care freewheeling happy-go-lucky slaphappy


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. in a wild or reckless manner

    e.g. dashing harum-scarum all over the place
           running pell-mell up the stairs

    Synonym: pell-mell