
hatched ['hætʃt]  ['hætʃt] 









hatched 基本解释
孵化( hatch的过去式和过去分词 );孵出,破壳而出;秘密策划,密谋;使孵出;
hatched 网络解释


1. 阴影线的:hatcheck girl 夜总会 | hatched 阴影线的 | hatchel 麻梳

2. 勿打如意算盘:99 After a storm comes a calm. 否极泰来 | hatched. 勿打如意算盘 | 101 Do as you would be done by. 己所欲施於人

hatched 单语例句

1. The tiny dots soon hatched and grew into chubby white meaty worms.

2. hatched在线翻译

2. I believed the riot was hatched by exiled Dalai clique, and meanwhile supported and connived by a minority in some western countries.

3. hatched什么意思

3. Broke after quitting his job at a restaurant recently, the accused hatched a plan with three friends to rob a former colleague.

4. A dove acting as a surrogate mom hatched out two peafowl chicks last Saturday in Tianjin Municipality.

5. Alexander said he and Spears hatched the idea to get hitched early Saturday morning.

6. The eccentric pop superstar also revealed the'egg'she was brought to the ceremony in and'hatched'out of on stage was actually a vessel.

7. " The first generation locusts this year in the areas have already hatched, " Gao said.

8. A flamingo had previously hatched in October and was the first such bird hatched in northern China.

9. hatched的解释

9. The scheme apparently was hatched to inflate shipping data with the effect on enhancing the port's global standing.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Within three months of meeting they were married and soon hatched the idea to model Amazon and build the first online bookstore in China.

hatched 英英释义



1. 911查询·英语单词

1. shaded by means of fine parallel or crossed lines

    Synonym: crosshatched

2. emerged from an egg