have troubled

have troubled

have troubled 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Authorities have been trying to pour sea water into the nuclear plant's three troubled reactors after cooling system failures.

2. have troubled的反义词

2. None of this seems to have troubled the producers of the TV program, who report the cosmic ray theory as if it trounces all competing explanations.

3. have troubled

3. The legislation the administration promoted would have allowed the government to buy bad mortgages and other deficient assets held by troubled financial institutions.

4. The government said in a statement that the Vietnamese banking sector was operating normally, and that its banks didn't have any direct connection with troubled US banks.

5. The animals have long been known to have a low reproductivity rate, a genetic problem that has troubled scientists trying to save the endangered species from extinction.

6. have troubled的反义词

6. Despite the overall growth of income in recent years, citizens may have been occasionally troubled by unwarranted charges or fines levied by local authorities.

7. I have lately heard classmates apologize in advance for potentially disturbing content in their movies, or crack jokes to avert suspicion that they may be emotionally troubled.

8. The children have facial deformities, learning and social problems and often have a troubled life.

9. But overland routes are also troubled by the lack of security and lawlessness, aid workers have been the targets of kidnappings and killings.

10. Many of the troubled countries that IMF wants to rescue have a per capita income that is much higher than the average Chinese.