
haw [hɔ:]  [hɔ] 







haw 基本解释

名词山楂; 瞬膜; 吆喝牲畜左转; 呃


haw 网络解释

1. 山楂:B.芦荟(ALOE)山楂(HAW)天然珍珠粉(PEARL POWDER)花粉(FARIMA)滤光 因子. 功能:

2. 山楂果:坚硬的 Hard | 山楂果 haw | 山楂 hawthorn

3. 瞬膜:Harsh Coat-鋼毛 | Haw-瞬膜 | Hock Joint-後腿關節

4. 夏威夷:HAN;汉诺威 ;;;;;;;;;;x | HAW;夏威夷 ;;;;;;;;;;x | HED;达姆施塔特 ;;;;;;;;;;x

5. haw:halt and wait; 停止等待(指令)

6. haw:hamburger aluminium werke; 国汉堡铝厂

7. haw:heavy assault weapon; 重型突击武器

haw 词典解释

1. haw

1. 山楂果
    Haws are the red berries produced by hawthorn trees in autumn.

2. 嚯嚯(文学作品中表示笑声,尤指嘲弄或轻蔑的笑声)
    Writers sometimes use 'haw haw' to show that one of their characters is laughing, especially in a rather unpleasant or superior way.

    e.g. Look at the plebs! Getting all muddy! Haw haw haw!

3. haw的近义词

3. 支支吾吾;吞吞吐吐;嗫嚅
    If you hem and haw, or in British English hum and haw, you take a long time to say something because you cannot think of the right words, or because you are not sure what to say.

    e.g. Tim hemmed and hawed, but finally told his boss the truth.

haw 单语例句

1. Qingdao will hold the Lantern and Sugar Coated Haw Festival from Feb 18 to March 3 in the Shibei district.

2. Lam said the operator ultimately selected to run the mansion should open the premises to the public and showcase the history of Haw Par.

haw 英英释义



1. the nictitating membrane of a horse

2. a spring-flowering shrub or small tree of the genus Crataegus

    Synonym: hawthorn


1. danci.911cha.com

1. utter `haw'

    e.g. he hemmed and hawed