head for the hills

head for the hills

head for the hills 基本解释
head for the hills 网络解释

1. 山丘对决:失落之湖-------------Lost Lake | 山丘对决-------------Head for the Hills | 宝石山谷-------------Valley of Gems

2. 跑开躲 起来:He who hesitates is lost 当断不断,必受其患 | Head for the hills 跑开躲 起来 | Head is in the clouds 思想又开小差

3. 躲闪:have the willies觉得毛骨悚然 | head for the hills躲闪 | head in the clouds做白日梦

4. [口]跑得远远的 跑开躲 起来:go over the hill [美俚]越狱 开小差, 逃跑 | head for the hills [口]跑得远远的 跑开躲 起来 | not care a hill of beans [美口]毫不介意[在乎]

head for the hills 英英释义

head for the hills


1. danci.911cha.com

1. flee
    take to one's heels
    cut and run

    e.g. If you see this man, run!
           The burglars escaped before the police showed up

    Synonym: scat run scarper turn tail lam run away hightail it bunk take to the woods escape fly the coop break away