


headaches 基本解释
头痛( headache的名词复数 );令人头痛的事;
headaches 网络解释


1. 头痛:因为睡眠不足或是其他原因,常常会有头痛(headaches)的现象,简直是难受. ...

2. 头疼:* increased susceptibility to colds and other infections 容易感冒或得其他传染病 | * headaches 头疼 | * muscular tension 肌肉紧张

3. 偶 有 頭 痛:Numb 麻 痹 | Headaches 偶 有 头 痛 | Pale Face 面 色 苍 白

4. 可能的副作用有腹痛 恶心 头痛 头晕 发烧:- Two pills? - Yeah.|- 两片? - 对 | Possible side effects include abdominal pain, nausea, headaches, dizziness, fever...|可能的副作用有腹痛 恶心 头痛 头晕 发烧... | and hair loss.|以及脱发

headaches 单语例句

1. But if you expand by yourself, you don't have the headaches of things like integrating.

2. And that could leave the publishers that charge fees with even less ad revenue, exacerbating their headaches.

3. When the NPC Standing Committee talked about collusion between public servants and outlaw mine owners, society saw a political will to deal with one of our chronic headaches.

4. It caused headaches for locals who just want to clean up, or get on with life after the floods.

5. headaches在线翻译

5. After this the mercury drops and hailstorms, heat waves and other climatic headaches are less likely to occur.

6. headaches

6. Thousands of new residents in commercial buildings in the city have the same headaches concerning their children's education.

7. People may complain of fatigue, headaches or a general feeling of illness.

8. headaches的反义词

8. New foreclosures began to infect areas that had long been immune, compounding misery for residents and headaches for city planners.

9. headaches

9. Last week he underwent a battery of tests after complaining of headaches and nausea but no abnormalities were found.

10. The unexpected heatwave has created headaches and confusion for some motorists as some insurance companies and dealerships don't cover overheating claims.