


headhunters 基本解释
猎头;猎取人头的蛮人,猎头者;( headhunter的名词复数 );
headhunters 单语例句

1. Some headhunters contend that Wall Street firms have been restrained with their cuts, concentrating on mortgage and corporate lending or trimming at edges.

2. Job hunters and headhunters agree it takes more than good grades and a glossy resume to bag the right job.

3. headhunters什么意思

3. He said international headhunters such as MPS were employing a much stricter methodology for finding candidates.

4. Their target users are headhunters, sales people and other business people.

5. Headhunters have told German newspapers his wit could help him fetch handsome fees as a speaker.

6. A number of headhunters and human resources consultancies have opened special sections to help foreigners find jobs.