
healthy [ˈhelθi]  [ˈhɛlθi] 




healthy 基本解释

形容词健康的; 健全的; 大量的; 有益于健康的

healthy 同义词

形容词sound fit

healthy 反义词


形容词unhealthy ill weak

healthy 相关例句


1. His cheeks have healthy glow.

2. It is healthy to eat fruit.

3. The country's economy is not very healthy.

4. The children look very healthy.

5. That book is not healthy reading for a child.

healthy 网络解释

1. 健:周一晚上,主管新成立的财政部救市计划(Treasury Asset Relief Program,TARP)的Neel Kashkari向一群银行家表示,当局将制订一个客观的标准去衡量入股稳健(healthy)的金融机构,而有关安排是自愿性质的.

2. (个人)健康:health 健康 | healthy (个人)健康 | wholesome 合乎卫生的,有益于健康的

healthy 词典解释

1. healthy

1. 健康的;健壮的
    Someone who is healthy is well and is not suffering from any illness.

    e.g. Most of us need to lead more balanced lives to be healthy and happy...
    e.g. She had a normal pregnancy and delivered a healthy child.

What I really want is to live healthily for as long as possible.

2. healthy在线翻译

2. 显示健康的;反映健康的
    If a feature or quality that you have is healthy, it makes you look well or shows that you are well.

    e.g. ...the glow of healthy skin.
    e.g. ...young adults with healthy appetites.

3. 有益于健康的;促进健康的
    Something that is healthy is good for your health.

    e.g. ...a great healthy outdoor pursuit.
    e.g. ...a healthy diet.

4. (机构或体系)兴旺的,运作良好的
    A healthy organization or system is successful.

    e.g. economically healthy socialist state.

5. 大量的;可观的
    A healthy amount of something is a large amount that shows success.

    e.g. He predicts a continuation of healthy profits in the current financial year.
    e.g. ...a healthy bank account.

6. healthy是什么意思

6. 明智的;聪明的;合理的
    If you have a healthy attitude about something, you show good sense.

    e.g. She has a refreshingly healthy attitude to work...
    e.g. It's very healthy to be afraid when there's something to be afraid of.

I had never seen bombing on such a scale, and I was healthily apprehensive.
healthy 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. In business operations, we seek harmony in and out of our company to promote healthy and continual development.

2. It is a comfortable place to relax and enjoy a healthy meal away from the noise and bustle of the city center.


3. To stay healthy, only lightly spread your bread with margarine or butter.

4. They were hoping the two women would take the infant back because the potential buyer in Hebei Province complained he was not healthy enough.

5. By all means win, but please maintain a healthy respect for those who fall behind.

6. He was also examined by cardiologists and his heart was found healthy with normal functioning.

7. A healthy discussion followed by actions by authorities are the need of the hour.

8. A healthy society is recognized by the way it treats its children, women and elders.

9. Jennifer Aniston is embarking on a new healthy lifestyle and has cut out cigarettes and eliminated caffeine from her diet.

10. Although milk is regarded as inherently nutritious with high calcium content, consumers are increasingly likely to prefer milk fortified with healthy ingredients.