heart sounds

heart sounds

heart sounds 基本解释


heart sounds 网络解释


1. 心音:('98高考)(A) 11.下列有关心音(heart sounds)的叙述,何者正确 (A)心脏瓣膜(valve)开启时不会产生心音 (B)心室收缩时可产生高音调的第一心音 (C)心房收缩时产生的心音称为第二心音 (D)心室舒张时不会产生心音.

2. 心音 第四章:heart 心脏 第四章 | heart sounds 心音 第四章 | heat loss 散热 第八章

3. 心音(指正常):6. precordial pulsation and movements 心前的搏動與移動 | 7. heart sounds 心音(指正常) | 8. heart murmurs 心雜音

heart sounds 单语例句

1. heart sounds

1. It measures fetal heart sounds to help establish the heart rate, age and position of the fetus in the mother.

2. The ancient whistles could guide research into how rhythmic sounds alter heart rates and states of consciousness.

3. " I can still remember the sounds of my heart beating and the shooting behind me, " Lu recalled.