


heartaches 基本解释
伤心,悲痛( heartache的名词复数 );
heartaches 网络解释

1. 心痛:商品目录 - List | 01 Heartaches 心痛 | 02 A poor man's Roses 一个穷人的玫瑰

2. 放下你過去的失敗和痛苦:can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and 被遺忘的過去.... | heartaches. 放下你過去的失敗和痛苦. | When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was 當你出生的時...

heartaches 双语例句

1. You can't go on well in life until you let your past failures and heartaches go off.

2. His jobless father of 4 children had deeply known his share of family heartaches.


3. I have been given eyes to see and a mind to think and now I know a great secret of life for I perceive, at last, that all my problems, discouragements, and heartaches are, in truth, great opportunities in disguise.

4. My heartaches are all quick ground, she flowed so many bloods unexpectedly.

5. She then launched into a long, animated explanation of the power of minestrone: how it cured headaches, colds, heartaches, indigestion, gout and liver ailments.

6. N't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

7. Let go of your past failures and heartaches.
    忘记过去的伤痛和辛酸吧,你才有将来I love it!

8. The brightest future will always be based on a forgetten past, you can't go on will in life until you let it go of your past failures and heartaches.

9. When you consider what he wrote -- thirteen operas and music dramas, eleven of them still holding the stage, eight of them unquestionably worth ranking among the world's great musico-dramatic masterpieces -- when you listen to what he wrote, the debts and heartaches that people had to endure from him don't seem much of a price.

10. You let go of your past failures and heartaches.


11. She will give you more heartaches than you`ve ever had!


12. Can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

13. I have my share of heartaches, which is why I seek His name.

14. On well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

15. You can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

16. The brightest future will always bebased on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until youlet go of your past failures and heartaches


17. The brightest fure will always be based on aforgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.


18. You cannot go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

19. You are young, and life has yet to take its toll on you, to throw disappointments and heartaches and loneliness and struggles and pain into your path.

20. You can`t get on well in life unless you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

heartaches 单语例句

1. heartaches

1. She has also experienced all kinds of heartaches during her long singing career in pubs.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. If you have a daughter, you hope she won't endure your same heartaches.

3. Downtown Chicago has the Mercantile Exchange and the Board of Trade, where traders fling signals and financial heartaches are a dime a dozen.