
heartfelt [ˈhɑ:tfelt]  [ˈhɑ:rtfelt] 

heartfelt 基本解释


形容词衷心的; 诚挚的; 真诚的; 深切

heartfelt 相关例句



1. She gave him her heartfelt thanks.

heartfelt 网络解释


1. 衷心的:hearten 鼓励 | heartfelt 衷心的 | hearth 灶台

2. 诚心的:03.THEY CAN'T TAKE THAT-她们不能欺骗 | 04.HEARTFELT-诚心的 | 05.POLKADOTS AND MOOD-原点花纹衣服和心情

3. 衷心的/真心真意的:hearten /鼓起勇气/ | heartfelt /衷心的/真心真意的/ | hearth /炉床/壁炉前方的地面/炉灶的灶台/家庭熔炉床/

4. 真心真意的:sentimental 感情脆弱的 | heartfelt 真心真意的 | anonymous 匿名的

heartfelt 词典解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 诚挚的;衷心的;真心实意的
    Heartfelt is used to describe a deep or sincere feeling or wish.

    e.g. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to all the relatives.

heartfelt 单语例句

1. Liu says heartfelt happiness is his primary when it comes to business management.

2. Its quirks and insights are heartfelt but must play to the right audience, where Hoffman's delicate craftsmanship as an actor and director will be appreciated.

3. The heartfelt sounds of Jazz come alive with the 789 Jazz band and the acclaimed French Jazz singer Jessica Maurer.

4. My family and I hereby send heartfelt condolence to all those who perish through no fault of their own.

5. And to fans who adore his quirky and offbeat New York comedies, the film director offers a heartfelt plea.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. That they are heartfelt is clear - Zhan makes them despite the fact that he has been invited to take part.

7. heartfelt

7. " Diamond " is a big expensive drama with a heartfelt political message, just the kind of movie that needs the extra boost of an Oscar campaign.

8. heartfelt在线翻译

8. Koizumi's announcement reminds us of his utterances of " heartfelt " remorse to Asian nations that suffered during Japan's colonization and wartime aggression.

9. heartfelt的翻译

9. The audience was won over by their perfect enunciation and heartfelt delivery.

10. RIO DE JANEIRO - Ronaldo announced on Sunday that he will give a heartfelt farewell to Corinthians'fans.

heartfelt 英英释义



1. heartfelt的解释

1. earnest

    e.g. one's dearest wish
           devout wishes for their success
           heartfelt condolences

    Synonym: dear devout earnest