






hearts 基本解释
内心;心( heart的名词复数 );中心;感情;
hearts 网络解释


1. 红桃:Suits(花色):黑桃(spades),红桃(hearts),方片(diamonds)和梅花(clubs)Jamestown colony of Virginia,King George[瑞秋和钱德勒等人打牌,输了却不知道给钱,因此钱德勒用乔治三世(King George)把弗吉尼亚的殖民地詹姆斯敦给了美国来作比喻.

2. 红心:四种花色有高低之分,按照英文开头字母的顺序排列而成,即梅花 (Club) 为 C ,方块 (Diamond) 为 D ,红心 (Hearts) 为 H ,黑桃 (Spade) 为 S . 每一种花色有十三张牌,顺序如下: A (

hearts 单语例句

1. Florists, restaurateurs and jewelry makers have pounding hearts waiting a year for this huge business opportunity.

2. The violence content in publications has increasingly polluted the hearts of teenagers, making some of them admire those who act violently and slip into crimes.

3. Little by little, his hard work and personality won the hearts of his Australian colleagues.

4. hearts

4. One of his tasks was to teach farmers the new broadcast calisthenics, but he says their hearts weren't in it.

5. Premier Wen Jiabao's online debut won the hearts of those in the cyber community thanks to his soothing and candid answers on Saturday.

6. Instead of losing his fan base, he actually won more hearts by his candor.

7. It should just carry on with the role as a loving parent to win the hearts and minds of the citizenry at large.

8. The Rangers have won just two of their last nine games and the team are 12 points behind Celtic and Hearts in the SPL.

9. The booing by Hearts fans came before the semifinal against Celtic, which has mostly Catholic fans.

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10. It certainly ought to stand a better chance of reaching into the hearts of Anglophone readers than many other works of modern Chinese fiction.

hearts 英英释义


1. a form of whist in which players avoid winning tricks containing hearts or the queen of spades

    Synonym: Black Maria