名词绿篱; 灌木篱墙; 栅篱
1. 绿篱;篱列:heayy ice 重冰 | hedgerow 绿篱; 篱列 | height profile of ozone 臭氧铅直分布图
2. 树行:hedger (绿篱)修边机 | hedgerow 树行 | herbaceous 草本的
3. 灌木篱墙:hedger 种树篱者 | hedgerow 灌木篱墙 | hedgeshrew 田鼠
4. 矮树篱 绿篱:hedger ==> (外汇市场)避险者 | hedgerow ==> 矮树篱,绿篱 | hedgerow prominence ==> 篱笆状日珥
1. (通常指乡间路边或田边的)树篱
A hedgerow is a row of bushes, trees, and plants, usually growing along a bank bordering a country lane or between fields.
e.g. He crouched behind a low hedgerow...
e.g. More than a hundred thousand miles of hedgerow have been lost since 1945.
1. a fence formed by a row of closely planted shrubs or bushes
Synonym: hedge