
heil ['haɪəl]  ['haɪəl] 

heil 基本解释
heil 网络解释


1. 嗨:heighten 提高 | heil 嗨 | heinie 德国兵

heil 双语例句


1. The arms that stick out of the wall, in an apparently festive public salute, are strongly evocative of the notorious Heil Hitler.

2. Heil. Because HELOCs work like credit cards, you can pay down your balance and borrow again without having to apply for a new loan.

3. They say that even though Heil's medal wasn't gold, they are proud a Canadian made the podium.

4. Rolf enters, looking for Liesl, and greets them with Heil.

5. I tried to remind what happened in heil, but can think back nothing

6. He`s a fool that makes his doctor his heil.

7. He`s a foolthat makes his doctor his heil.

8. Petri Heil Online is designed as office game and you can play it both in Fullscreen and Window modes, you can also minimize it to an icon which will alert you when fish is biting.
    的Petri heil在线是设计为办公室的游戏,你可以发挥它无论是在全屏和窗口模式,您也可以尽量减少它的图标会提醒您,当鱼咬。

9. The futher first speaks to you and then you reply: heil, mein futher.

heil 单语例句

1. Jennifer Heil of Canada won a gold medal in women's moguls on the opening day of competition.