1. 直升机:消防局并提醒民众只要是有爆炸杀伤力的都是未经批准的非法烟火爆竹,诸如冲天炮(Rockets)、仙女棒(Candles)、迫击炮(Motars)、直升机(Helicopters)、鞭炮(Firecrackers)等都属于违禁非法的爆竹,此类爆竹极易引发房舍或干草地引燃,
2. 直升飞机:直升飞机(Helicopters) CargoBob 货物宝宝直升飞机 有点像卡-60多用途直升机. SA里体积最大的直升机,4片桨叶旋翼和涵道式尾桨布局. 在你的飞机场以南的军事基地可以找到它. Hunter 猎手式武装攻击直升机 仿的是美国原休斯公司(后并入麦道公司)研制的AH-64阿帕奇武装攻击直升机,
1. The China Export and Import Bank also offered $ 100 million in export buyer's credit for projects concerning the purchase of helicopters and vehicles.
2. Washington's airspace will buzz with security helicopters hovering overhead, while Coast Guard vessels will patrol the Potomac and other nearby waterways.
3. Rescue ships and helicopters of South China Sea Rescue Bureau were standing by yesterday.
4. Now some are calling on the development of heavy helicopters in China, but others are seeing the development of large aircraft as key for China's aviation industry.
5. The heavy security presence brought calm to central parts of the city, with armed personnel carriers standing by as helicopters hovered overhead.
6. helicopters
6. They will spin their sets from stages interspersed with old fighter planes, helicopters and a giant cannon.
7. With the capacity to carry helicopters, it is one of China's most advanced patrol ships.
8. American helicopters and combat vehicles converged on the chaotic scene as black smoke from burning cars billowed over the central city.
9. helicopters在线翻译
9. The local alert system was activated, with law enforcing units chasing the suspected boat with helicopters and speed boats.
10. Haitians jammed the fence of the palace grounds to gawk and cheer as US troops emerged from six Navy helicopters.