hell on earth

hell on earth [hel ɔn ə:θ]  [hɛl ɑn ɚθ] 

hell on earth 基本解释
hell on earth 网络解释

1. 人間煉獄:Getting the snake out of its hole.引蛇出洞 | hell on earth 人間煉獄 | Strike while the iron is hot. 打鐵趁熱

2. 活受罪:hell 混蛋, 该死, 见鬼 (感叹) | hell on earth 活受罪 | hellbent 不顾一切的; 拼命的 (形)

3. 地狱:Trash talk 坏话 | Hell on Earth 地狱 | Go down to business 言归正传

hell on earth 单语例句

1. Old Tibet was " hell on earth ", which made slavery of medieval Europe and America look pale by comparison.

2. hell on earth什么意思

2. Miseries of " hell on earth " and " untold suffering " occurred nowhere but in the slavery Tibet symbolized by the Dalai Lama.

3. The Dalai Lama's March 10, 2009 description of modern Tibet as " hell on earth " is pure sophistry.

4. " Tibet has already been reduced to a hell on earth ", he added.

hell on earth 英英释义

hell on earth


1. any place of pain and turmoil

    e.g. the hell of battle
           the inferno of the engine room
           when you're alone Christmas is the pits

    Synonym: hell hellhole snake pit the pits inferno