
helplessness ['helpləsnəs]  [ˈhɛlplɪsnɪs] 

helplessness 基本解释
helplessness 网络解释

1. 无助:4.无助与自怜 无助(helplessness)是一种无能为力、无所适从、听天由命的行为状态. 通常是由于反复应对不能成功,而对应激情境产生无法控制感. 其心理基础包含了一定的抑郁成分. 无助使人不能主动摆脱不利的情境,从而对个体造成伤害性影响.

2. 孤立无援:helper;助手;; | helplessness;孤立无援;; | HELSINGIUS, Ulla;乌拉.黑尔辛吉乌斯;;

3. 无能为力:15. 强硬路线 Hard Line | 16. 无能为力 Helplessness | 17. 商定仲裁 Negotiating Arbitration

helplessness 单语例句

1. The diary records the man's frustration with his enchanting but adulterous wife, his sense of responsibility toward his family and his helplessness.

2. He walked into the river a frustrated and depressed man, enraged by the corruption at court and his helplessness in correcting the situation.

3. The reason for that feeling of helplessness among people is the existing income distribution system.

4. A friend of hers resorted to feigning helplessness with her partner to promote his sense of masculinity.

5. The Dalai Lama could only lament his helplessness over his separatist endeavor, says a commentary in Xinhua News Agency.

6. So in between the two states of helplessness is the useful and purposeful life period.

7. It is used to convey a sense of helplessness in deciding one's own fate.

8. We Chinese used to see raising a child as a way of preparing oneself against the helplessness of old age.

9. They also had an opportunity to experience various deprivations of their senses and learned to deal with helplessness at the Dialogue in the Dark exhibition.

10. His words were a reminder of the sense of helplessness in trying to get out of a seemingly unbreakable cycle.

helplessness 英英释义



1. powerlessness revealed by an inability to act

    e.g. in spite of their weakness the group remains active

    Synonym: weakness impuissance

2. helplessness的意思

2. a feeling of being unable to manage

3. the state of needing help from something