
hemorrhage ['hemərɪdʒ]  [ˈhɛmərɪdʒ] 

hemorrhage 基本解释




hemorrhage 网络解释


1. 出血:4,出血(hemorrhage) :主要合并症,表现为潜血阳性或黑便,呕血等. 5,癌变(malignant transformation) :十二指肠溃疡一般不恶变,胃溃疡患者中发生癌变者 ≤1%. 四,病因和发病机制: 1,胃液的消化作用 2,胃粘膜的屏障功能受到损害 3,

2. 脑出血:在非外伤性脑出血中,又分为继发性和原发性脑出血继发性脑出血系某种原发性血管病变所...老年人脑出血致急性脑肿胀的临床特点及预后脑出血(Hemorrhage)大多为高血压性脑出血,多在动脉硬化和高血压的基础上血压突然升高引起脑小动脉破裂所致.最常发生在基底节的壳核,

3. 出血,出血:第二节出血 出血(hemorrhage) :血液从血管腔到体外,体腔或组织间隙的过程. 病理性出血按照血液逸出的机制可分为以下两种:一,破裂性出血:由心脏和血管破裂所致.二,漏出性出血:血管壁的通透性增高所致. 1,原因:血管壁损害,

4. 大出血:hemophilia 血友病 | hemorrhage 大出血 | anemia 贫血

hemorrhage 词典解释

1. -> see haemorrhage

hemorrhage 单语例句

1. Sun committed himself to China's overseas oil projects for most of his career before he died aged 52 from a sudden cerebral hemorrhage in December.

2. A jobless man surnamed Ma from a needy family in the community was in hospital for two weeks after a cerebral hemorrhage.

3. The family said Fu was devoted to his wife, especially after she suffered cerebral hemorrhage 21 years ago.

4. hemorrhage的意思

4. But most of the deaths occurred to old people who have myocardial infarction and cerebral hemorrhage.

5. Jia was diagnosed with a cerebral hemorrhage, which doctors presumed might have been caused by overwork.

6. He succumbed to a cerebral hemorrhage in Beijing on the last day of 2010.

7. hemorrhage的解释

7. They later said he had gone into a coma, suffered a brain hemorrhage and lost the use of his vital organs one by one.

8. Ma is being treated for shock at a local hospital after he was found to have suffered from an intracranial hemorrhage.

9. Doctors said the senior card player suffered a sudden hemorrhage and warned aged people to control their feelings to avoid similar accidents.

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10. According to its parents, doctors said the baby had an encephalic hemorrhage and was supposed dead.

hemorrhage 英英释义


1. the flow of blood from a ruptured blood vessel

    Synonym: bleeding haemorrhage


1. danci.911cha.com

1. lose blood from one's body

    Synonym: shed blood bleed