
here [hɪə(r)]  [hɪr] 

here 基本解释

副词在这里; 这时; 在这一点上; (给某人东西或指出某物时说)


int.喂; 嗨

here 同义词

副词now present at present

here 反义词


here 相关词组

1. neither here nor there : 不重要;

2. here and now : 此时此地;

3. here and there : 到处, 各处;

4. here below : 在尘世间;

here 相关例句


1. Here the speaker paused.

2. It's ten o'clock and here is the news.

3. Here, he stopped reading and looked up.


1. Here! What are you doing?


1. From here on the story gets more interesting.

here 情景对话


A:Could you hand me the salt, please?

B:With pleasure. Here you are.


A:Are there small shops near here (as well/ also/ in addition)?

B:Yes. / No.


A:I‘ll call you next week.

B:Do you know my number?

A:No, I don‘t.

B:It‘s right here on my card.

here 词典解释

1. 在这里;在这儿
    You use here when you are referring to the place where you are.

    e.g. I'm here all by myself and I know I'm going to get lost...
    e.g. Well, I can't stand here chatting all day.

2. here的近义词

2. 在此处(指所指向的地方)
    You use here when you are pointing towards a place that is near you, in order to draw someone else's attention to it.

    e.g. ...if you will just sign here...
    e.g. Come and sit here, Lauren...

3. 在身边;在手里
    You use here in order to indicate that the person or thing that you are talking about is near you or is being held by you.

    e.g. My friend here writes for radio...
    e.g. I have here at my side Mr. Glenn Williams...

4. 在人世间
    You use here to refer to people in general and their life on Earth.

    e.g. ...where we have come from, where we are going to, or what our purpose here is, if any...
    e.g. Who are we? What are we doing here?

5. 来此(做…)
    If you say that you are here to do something, that is your role or function.

    e.g. I'm here to help you...
    e.g. I'm not here to listen to your complaints.

6. (用于引起注意)…来了,…到了
    You use here in order to draw attention to something or someone who has just arrived in the place where you are, or to draw attention to the place you have just arrived at.

    e.g. 'Here's the taxi,' she said politely...
    e.g. 'Mr Cummings is here,' she said, holding the door open...

7. 在这一点上;在这一阶段;在这一方面
    You use here to refer to a particular point or stage of a situation or subject that you have come to or that you are dealing with.

    e.g. Both sides will have to sell the agreement to their people. It's here that the real test will come...
    e.g. It's here that we come up against the difference of approach...

8. 这时;此刻
    You use here to refer to a period of time, a situation, or an event that is present or happening now.

    e.g. Here comes the summer...
    e.g. Economic recovery is here...

9. (用在句首以引起注意或引出介绍)下面,以下
    You use here at the beginning of a sentence in order to draw attention to something or to introduce something.

    e.g. From Nairobi here's our East Africa correspondent, Colin Blane...
    e.g. Here is a summer soup that is almost a meal in itself...

10. 给(对方)
    You use here when you are offering or giving something to someone.

    e.g. You know you can phone me — here's my mother's number...
    e.g. Here's your coffee, just the way you like it...

11. (表示接下来对某人性格或处境的描述出人意料)看看,瞧瞧
      You say 'here we are' or 'here you are' when the statement that you are making about someone's character or situation is unexpected.

      e.g. Here you are, saying these terrible things...
      e.g. Here we are, pretending we're winning.

12. 找到了; 这就是了
      You say 'here we are' when you have just found something that you have been looking for.

      e.g. I rummaged through the drawers and came up with Amanda's folder. 'Here we are.'

13. (表示即将开始做或说困难或令人不快的事)这就开始
      You say 'here goes' when you are about to do or say something difficult or unpleasant.

      e.g. Dr Culver nervously muttered 'Here goes,' and gave the little girl an injection.

14. (尤指令人不快的事)又发生了,又来了
      You use expressions such as 'here we go' and 'here we go again' in order to indicate that something is happening again in the way that you expected, especially something unpleasant.

      e.g. 'Police! Open up!' — 'Oh well,' I thought, 'here we go.'...
      e.g. At first, he was told he was too young and I thought, 'Oh, boy, here we go again.'...

15. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

15. 此时此刻;目前;眼下
      You use here and now to emphasize that something is happening at the present time, rather than in the future or past, or that you would like it to happen at the present time.

      e.g. I'm a practicing physician trying to help people here and now...
      e.g. Instead of staying in the here and now, you bring up similar instances from the past.

16. 在各处;零散地
      If something happens here and there, it happens in several different places.

      e.g. I do a bit of teaching here and there...
      e.g. He could only understand a word here and there.

17. (祝酒词)为我们干杯/为你的新工作干杯
      You use expressions such as 'here's to us' and 'here's to your new job' before drinking a toast in order to wish someone success or happiness.

      e.g. He raised his glass. 'Here's to neighbors.'...
             他举起杯子: “各位高邻,干了这杯!”
      e.g. Tony smiled and lifted his glass. 'Here's to you, Amy.'

here 单语例句

1. here的翻译

1. English is the language of international business and learning it here from a native speaker is in demand and beneficial to Chinese enterprises " going out ".

2. Some 62 percent of the city's total travel expenses are spent on business trips, while more than 60 percent of Fortune 500 companies are already located here.

3. The business opportunity made them decide to move to the city and open a flower shop here.

4. A Beijing Business Today report quoted Zhuang as saying the company does not have a production base here and has never considered setting up one.

5. This cluster of a baker's dozen plus nightspots is heavily gimmicky, but there's something fun for everyone among the particularly thematic watering holes found here.

6. here什么意思

6. As traditional Chinese Spring Festival is coming, lantern factories here have come to a busy production season.

7. But the more times you're here, the easier it gets.

8. I listed a few I had seen but then made the point that the most valuable technology here at Expo is " people to people " technology.


9. In addition to buying at home, a large number of consumers also thronged Hong Kong for holiday shopping sprees here.

10. One International artist's agent says with more and more international shows playing here, the Chinese market is no longer buying based only on overseas reputation.

here 英英释义



1. the present location
    this place

    e.g. where do we go from here?


1. in or at this place
    where the speaker or writer is

    e.g. I work here
           turn here
           radio waves received here on Earth

2. to this place (especially toward the speaker)

    e.g. come here, please

    Synonym: hither

3. in this circumstance or respect or on this point or detail

    e.g. what do we have here?
           here I must disagree

4. at this time

    e.g. we'll adjourn here for lunch and discuss the remaining issues this afternoon