
hesitancy [ˈhezɪtənsi]  [ˈhɛzɪtənsi] 


hesitancy 基本解释



hesitancy 网络解释


1. 迟疑:hesitance 踌躇 | hesitancy 迟疑 | hesitant 犹豫的

2. 踌躇:hesitance /踌躇/犹豫/ | hesitancy /踌躇/ | hesitant /犹豫不决/踟/

3. 犹豫:gut胆量 | hesitancy犹豫 | imperialist帝国主义者

4. 迟疑; 踌躇 (名):hesitance 迟疑; 踌躇 (名) | hesitancy 迟疑; 踌躇 (名) | hesitant 迟疑的, 犹豫不定的, 踌躇的 (形)

hesitancy 单语例句

1. Hesitancy round the net was compounded by a service fault, a rare error in badminton.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. But China Development Bank's decision to refrain from a similar cash injection into Citigroup also shows its hesitancy in doing so.

3. The doubting investors of yesteryear may now be regretting their hesitancy in the face of the rapid commercialization and privatization of China's real estate market.

4. The United States'hesitancy to confirm its participation in the 2010 World Expo was due partly to insufficient funds raised.

5. Others said privately there is hesitancy to release the names because the majority were from secretive special operations forces.

6. danci.911chaxun.com

6. Despite a beautiful rebirth after the war, the moral defeat of the elite and the hesitancy of the political system remain.

7. hesitancy的翻译

7. Bush is expressing impatience with his allies'hesitancy over an intervention in Iraq amid increasing speculation about an imminent attack.

8. We wonder how many people are wasting public money without the slightest hesitancy and how many people have got away without punishment.

9. Each of the farmers shows an expression of either curiosity or hesitancy, which is very realistic for that time.

hesitancy 英英释义


1. a certain degree of unwillingness

    e.g. a reluctance to commit himself
           his hesitancy revealed his basic indisposition
           after some hesitation he agreed

    Synonym: reluctance hesitation disinclination indisposition

2. a feeling of diffidence and indecision about doing something

    Synonym: hesitance