
hibiscus [hɪˈbɪskəs]  [haɪˈbɪskəs] 

hibiscus 基本解释



hibiscus 网络解释


1. 木槿:此外,有些可食用的花,例如玫瑰(roses)、水田芥(nasturtiums)、木槿(hibiscus)、蒲公英(dandelions)等也可以拿给红腿吃. 所有给红腿吃的食物应该切成可食用的大小,混合着比较硬的蔬菜,例如红萝卜丝等喂食.

2. 芙蓉:以芙蓉(HIBISCUS)提味,强调欧洲产野生蔷薇(DOG ROSE)果实的酸味. 是一款含有丰富维生素的红茶.

3. 木槿属:[植物学] 木槿属(Hibiscus)植物(生长于热带)1.名词 花烛;花烛属(Anthurium)植物(产于热带美洲)1.形容词 秋海棠科(Begoniaceae)的1.名词[植物学] 紫菀[指菊科紫菀属(Aster)的任何一种草本观赏植物]4.名词[植物学] 鸢尾[鸢尾科鸢尾属(Iris)植物]

4. 木芙蓉:木芙蓉(Hibiscus)属锦葵科木槿属落叶灌木,花期9~12月. 云南

hibiscus 词典解释

1. 木槿
    A hibiscus is a tropical bush that has large, brightly-coloured bell-shaped flowers.

hibiscus 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The very tacky but very entertaining Sister Hibiscus is reported to have sold a total of eight tickets for her upcoming debut concert.

2. Paris Hilton in the eyes of Americans is almost like what Sister Hibiscus is to Chinese even though they come from disparate family backgrounds.

3. A massive blue hibiscus blooms on Hunan province's float in today's parade.

4. The story of Chen Mapo tofu can be found in many ancient books including Poems of Bamboo in Jin City and Reminiscence of Hibiscus.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. Sister Hibiscus says things as if she is living in a romance novel.

6. Sister Hibiscus is not beautiful - by most accepted standards, that is.

7. hibiscus的意思

7. Sister Hibiscus uploaded photos and brief diary entries onto Qinghua University and Beijing University's BBS at the start of the year.

8. The city was known as the hibiscus and brocade city, he said.

hibiscus 英英释义
