
hidrosis [hɪ'drəʊsɪs]  [hɪ'droʊsɪs] 

hidrosis 基本解释


名词多汗; 发汗,出汗过多

hidrosis 网络解释


1. 发汗:hidropoietic 流汗的 | hidrosis 发汗 | hidrotic 发汗剂

2. 多汗/多汗症:hidroschesis /止汗/ | hidrosis /多汗/多汗症/ | hidrotic /发汗药/出汗的/

3. 泌汗:冬眠 hibernation | 泌汗 hidrosis | 阶层架构 hierarchial scheme

4. 出汗; 多汗症 (名):hiding place 隐匿处; 躲藏处 | hidrosis 出汗; 多汗症 (名) | hidrotic 发汗的 (形)

hidrosis 双语例句

1. Indications: 1. Used for cough, wheezing, dry month, anhidrosis andhyper-hidrosis due to exterior heat pathogen.

2. So modern clinical disease caused by deficiency Yang very commonly, also the hidrosis syndrome for lack of Yang is common.


3. The imposition in the hot season have sweat'd her hidrosis wash away Khan washed, regardless of the number of times.

4. Because at hidrosis get film or sulphuric acid paper or paper sulfate hidrosis figerprint appears on, or sticking dirty (especially take fine color products bearing in mind that if you are also fotographic).

hidrosis 英英释义


1. hidrosis的反义词

1. the process of the sweat glands of the skin secreting a salty fluid

    e.g. perspiration is a homeostatic process

    Synonym: perspiration sweating diaphoresis sudation