1. 高低:这是一套机器人的角色设置. 有胳膊与腿的IK/FK,打开肘与脚后跟控制. 有高低(high and low)两种样式的动画制作模型. 3D插件maya机器人渲染引擎这些骨架(rig)可以用于男女两种角色以及不同的场景,附带有各种头发样式和纹理,
2. 天国与地狱:这位大师死后对全球电影仍有深远影响,看看最近荷里活买下他几部经典作品的版权准备翻拍(包括美高梅(MGM)又一新版<<七武士>>(The Seven Samurai)及迪士尼(Disney)的<<天国与地狱>>(High and Low)),就可知一二了.
3. 到处:dead and alive 缺乏活力, 不死不活, 死气沉沉. | high and low 到处 | black and white 书写或印刷; 白纸黑字
4. 高低贵贱的人;到处:4. hit and miss不论成功与否;漫无目的地 | 5. high and low高低贵贱的人;到处 | He woos both high and low, both rich and poor. 他追起女人来,不论贫富贵贱.
1. high and low是什么意思
1. Wild swings between low and high fuel prices have crippled the US industry by erratically shifting buyer preferences - to and from SUVs.
2. High calcium and low fat content are the major features emphasized by manufacturers, especially when targeting women and children.
3. Even though the overall per capita income is still low, high earners push up the luxury goods market and the whole service industry as well.
4. Low carbon emission and high efficiency are the defining characteristics of the green room.
5. high and low
5. The study looked at 28 men and women with high cholesterol who had been eating a low cholesterol diet.
6. It said the present charge was too low compared with high salaries and most civil affairs bureaus in the province were incurring huge losses.
7. They're also high in coarse fiber but low in fat and starch.
8. Customers in this globalized world are also increasingly aware that unrealistically low prices may also come with unrealistically high environmental damage and low quality.
9. Xia said the applicants come mainly from two groups - those earning high incomes and those residents with low incomes.
10. high and low在线翻译
10. People with high health competence had markedly better health knowledge and overall health compared with those whose competence was low.