
high [haɪ]  [haɪ] 




high 基本解释

形容词高的; 高尚的,崇高的; 高音调的; 高级的,高等的

副词(程度等)高地; 高价地; 奢侈地

名词高处,高位; [气象学]高气压; 高压地带; 高水平

high 同义词

形容词elevated tall lofty sharp great screechy steep chief towering shrill eminent grand exalted important main soaring piercing

high 反义词



high 相关词组

1. high and low : 到处;

2. high and dry : 孤立无援, 搁浅;

3. high and mighty : 趾高气扬的;

4. on high : 在高处, 在天空;

high 相关例句



1. Washington is a man of high character.

2. He is a high official in the government.

3. The speaker has a very high voice.


1. The eagle flies high.


1. The weatherman reports a high moving in.

high 情景对话



A:Did the material work out well for you ?

B:Not really .

A:What was wrong?

B:We felt that the price was too high for the quality .


A:Is this your standard price ?

B:Yes ,it is .

A:It seems too high to me.

B:We can negotiate the unit price for large orders .


A:Your prices seem a little high .

B:We could make them lower for you .

A:How ?

B:If you order in large lots , we‘ll reduce the price .

high 网络解释


1. 高的:主要就是有政治与地缘冲突的新兴市场,譬如伊朗、伊拉克、巴基斯坦、缅甸与部分中部非洲国家. 至於风险第二高的(high),就是面临通膨压力而可能造成社会动荡的国家,如中国、俄罗斯、东欧、东协、墨西哥与秘鲁等国人所熟悉的新兴市场.

2. 高点:

低点 (Low)到通道的最低处 (价格可能上涨)或者高点(High)到通道的最高处(价格可能下降)

3. high:human discomfort growth hormone; 人生长激素

high 词典解释

1. 高的(不用于形容人或动植物)
    Something that is high extends a long way from the bottom to the top when it is upright. You do not use high to describe people, animals, or plants.

    e.g. ...a house, with a high wall all around it...
    e.g. Mount Marcy is the highest mountain in the Adirondacks.

The word you should use to describe people, animals, or plants is tall. She was rather tall for a woman. Tall is also used to describe buildings such as skyscrapers, and other things whose height is much greater than their width. ...tall pine trees. ...a tall glass vase.
形容人、动物或植物高时应该用tall。例如,She was rather tall for a woman(她在女人中已是相当高了)。tall 也可以用来形容摩天大楼等建筑物,以及其他高度远远超过宽度的物体。例如,tall pine trees(高挺的松树),a tall glass vase(一只高挑的玻璃花瓶)。

2. 高度为…的;有…高的
    You use high to talk or ask about how much something upright measures from the bottom to the top.

    e.g. ...an elegant bronze horse only nine inches high...
    e.g. The grass in the yard was waist high...

3. (相对地面、海平面、其他人或物)高的
    If something is high, it is a long way above the ground, above sea level, or above a person or thing.

    e.g. I looked down from the high window...
    e.g. The bridge was high, jacked up on wooden piers...

4. danci.911cha.com

4. (数量、程度、强度等)高的
    You can use high to indicate that something is great in amount, degree, or intensity.

    e.g. The European country with the highest birth rate is Ireland...
    e.g. Official reports said casualties were high...

5. (食物等)含…高的,富含…的
    If a food or other substance is high in a particular ingredient, it contains a large amount of that ingredient.

    e.g. Don't indulge in rich sauces, fried food and thick pastry as these are high in fat.
    e.g. ...a superb compost, high in calcium.

6. 最高点;最高水平
    If something reaches a high of a particular amount or degree, that is the greatest it has ever been.

    e.g. Traffic from Jordan to Iraq is down to a dozen loaded lorries a day, compared with a high of 200 a day...
    e.g. Sales of Russian vodka have reached an all-time high.

7. (重要性)高的;重要的
    If you say that something is a high priority or is high on your list, you mean that you consider it to be one of the most important things you have to do or deal with.

    e.g. The Labour Party has not made the issue a high priority...
    e.g. Economic reform is high on the agenda.

8. (地位、职位)高的,显赫的
    Someone who is high in a particular profession or society, or has a high position, has a very important position and has great authority and influence.

    e.g. Was there anyone particularly high in the administration who was an advocate of a different policy?...
    e.g. Every single one of the arms companies is controlled by the families of high officials.

9. 先进的;高级的;复杂的
    You can use high to describe something that is advanced or complex.

    e.g. Neither Anna nor I are interested in high finance.
    e.g. ...the rise of Japan's high technology industries.

10. 向高的目标(努力)
      If you aim high, you try to obtain or to achieve the best that you can.

      e.g. You should not be afraid to aim high in the quest for an improvement in your income...
      e.g. We just do not set our sights high enough.

11. (声望、评价)高的
      If someone has a high reputation, or people have a high opinion of them, people think they are very good in some way, for example at their work.

      e.g. She has always had a high reputation for her excellent short stories...
      e.g. People have such high expectations of you.

12. high

12. (质量、标准)高的
      If the quality or standard of something is high, it is very good indeed.

      e.g. This is high quality stuff...
      e.g. His team were of the highest calibre...

13. 崇高的;高尚的
      If someone has high principles, they are morally good.

      e.g. He was a man of the highest principles.

14. (音调)高而尖的,高的
      A high sound or voice is close to the top of a particular range of notes.

      e.g. Her high voice really irritated Maria.

15. (河流)水位高的
      When a river is high, it contains much more water than usual.

      e.g. The waters of the Yangtze River are dangerously high for the time of year.

16. 兴奋的;兴高采烈的
      If your spirits are high, you feel happy and excited.

      e.g. Her spirits were high with the hope of seeing Nick in minutes rather than hours.

17. 喝醉了的;(吸毒后)极度兴奋的
      If someone is high on drink or drugs, they are affected by the alcoholic drink or drugs they have taken.

      e.g. He was too high on drugs and alcohol to remember them.

18. high的反义词

18. 兴奋;高兴
      A high is a feeling or mood of great excitement or happiness.

19. 上级;上面
      If you say that something came from on high, you mean that it came from a person or place of great authority.

      e.g. Orders had come from on high that extra care was to be taken during this week.

20. 陷入困境
      If you say that you were left high and dry, you are emphasizing that you were left in a difficult situation and were unable to do anything about it.

      e.g. Schools with better reputations will be flooded with applications while poorer schools will be left high and dry.

21. 起起落落;快乐和痛苦;成功和失败
      If you refer to the highs and lows of someone's life or career, you are referring to both the successful or happy times, and the unsuccessful or bad times.

22. 到处;各处
      If you say that you looked high and low for something, you are emphasizing that you looked for it in every place that you could think of.

23. in high dudgeon -> see dudgeon
      come hell or high water -> see hell
      to be high time -> see time

high 单语例句

1. The High Court hears civil cases including divorce, custody proceedings and business law.

2. A manager from Zara surnamed Xing conceded that business at his shop was not good and rent was too high.

3. Rotary International is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian services and encourages high ethical standards in vocations.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. She cited a 2003 estimate by The Business Software Alliance which claimed that the piracy rate in China was as high as 92 percent.

5. The main reason for the slow development of the service industry is the high business tax on this sector.

6. Many online retailers fail to make a profit despite the high transaction volume, as escalating price wars caused by similar business models cut into profit margins.

7. Scores, a Manhattan gentleman's club is described as a " haven for horny high rollers ".

8. " I worked my butt off for four years in high school, " she said.

9. Tender sponges are cut into petit fours and piled high with fluffy butter cream sculpted into intricate flowers and animals.

10. high

10. Pages are high school students who act as messengers and helpers for members of Congress.

high 英英释义



1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. a forward gear with a gear ratio that gives the greatest vehicle velocity for a given engine speed

    Synonym: high gear

2. a lofty level or position or degree

    e.g. summer temperatures reached an all-time high

3. a public secondary school usually including grades 9 through 12

    e.g. he goes to the neighborhood highschool

    Synonym: senior high school senior high highschool high school

4. a high place

    e.g. they stood on high and observed the countryside
           he doesn't like heights

    Synonym: heights

5. danci.911cha.com

5. a state of altered consciousness induced by alcohol or narcotics

    e.g. they took drugs to get a high on

6. a state of sustained elation

    e.g. I'm on a permanent high these days

7. an air mass of higher than normal pressure

    e.g. the east coast benefits from a Bermuda high


1. happy and excited and energetic

    Synonym: in high spirits

2. slightly and pleasantly intoxicated from alcohol or a drug (especially marijuana)

    Synonym: mellow

3. (used of the smell of meat) smelling spoiled or tainted

    Synonym: gamey gamy

4. (literal meaning) being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension (sometimes used in combinations like `knee-high')

    e.g. a high mountain
           high ceilings
           high buildings
           a high forehead
           a high incline
           a foot high

5. danci.911cha.com

5. greater than normal in degree or intensity or amount

    e.g. a high temperature
           a high price
           the high point of his career
           high risks
           has high hopes
           the river is high
           he has a high opinion of himself

6. used of sounds and voices
    high in pitch or frequency

    Synonym: high-pitched

7. standing above others in quality or position

    e.g. people in high places
           the high priest
           eminent members of the community

    Synonym: eminent


1. at a great altitude

    e.g. he climbed high on the ladder

    Synonym: high up

2. high在线翻译

2. far up toward the source

    e.g. he lives high up the river

3. in or to a high position, amount, or degree

    e.g. prices have gone up far too high

4. danci.911cha.com

4. in a rich manner

    e.g. he lives high

    Synonym: richly luxuriously