
hill [hɪl]  [hɪl] 


hill 基本解释


名词小山,山冈; 斜坡

动词把…堆成小山; 培土于…周围

hill 同义词

名词heap elevation mound

hill 反义词


hill 相关词组


1. a hill of beans : 少量, 小事;

2. go over the hill : 越狱, 逃跑;

3. up hill and down dale : 翻山越谷, 彻底地, 到处;

4. over the hill : 开小差, 在衰退中;

hill 相关例句


1. His red house stands on a hill.

2. I climbed up the hill and ran down the other side.

hill 网络解释

1. 小山:然后让学生根据单词设想这样一种情景:小山(hill)中有一座装满(fill)药丸(pill)的面粉厂(mill),直到(till)将要(will)杀死(kill)病(ill)人时才被发现. 教师还可引导学生设想更多的与这些词有关的情景,以进一步巩固记忆这一词块.

2. 岗:游行本来计画从奥林匹克大街和百老汇大街的交口处开始,可是由於参加游行的群众过多,百老汇大街已经无法容纳潮水般的人流,结果人们不得不分别从南北两个方向沿著百老汇大街、山岗(Hill)大街和春天(Spring)大街同时向市政府挺进.

hill 词典解释

1. 小山;山冈;山丘
    A hill is an area of land that is higher than the land that surrounds it.

    e.g. We trudged up the hill to the stadium.
    e.g. ...Maple Hill.

2. 人老珠黄;在走下坡路;在衰退中;过气
    If you say that someone is over the hill, you are saying rudely that they are old and no longer fit, attractive, or capable of doing useful work.

    e.g. He doesn't take kindly to suggestions that he is over the hill.

hill 单语例句

1. Hill and Knowlton is part of the WPP Group and was the first international public relations firm to open for business in China in 1984.

2. " Writers are solitary animals by necessity but these kind of events bring us out, " Hill says.

3. hill的反义词

3. For three years, wood was transported to the small town by the side of the hill.

4. For those who are less fit, three cable car routes can convey you up the hill sides.

5. Bancroft didn't return a call for comment, and no phone number was listed for Hill.

6. Hill called the meeting " very useful " despite its lack of agreement.

7. The cavernous hearing room on Capitol Hill was filled for a third straight day, and tourists waited in line outside for their few moments to witness history.

8. But the trims amounted to a tiny fraction of the new spending he wants, and some have already been nixed by allies on Capitol Hill.

9. Obama's announcement was greeted more warmly on Capitol Hill, where he will need broad support to quickly push through tribunal changes.

10. Critics on Capitol Hill and elsewhere have said that memo provided the legal underpinnings for subsequent abuses of prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq.

hill 英英释义



1. structure consisting of an artificial heap or bank usually of earth or stones

    e.g. they built small mounds to hide behind

    Synonym: mound

2. (baseball) the slight elevation on which the pitcher stands

    Synonym: mound pitcher's mound

3. a local and well-defined elevation of the land

    e.g. they loved to roam the hills of West Virginia


1. form into a hill