
hinder [ˈhɪndə(r)]  [ˈhɪndɚ] 







hinder 基本解释


及物/不及物动词阻碍,妨碍; 成为阻碍


hinder 同义词

形容词back hind

动词obstruct stop restrain impede retard curb check hold back

hinder 反义词

及物动词help assist

hinder 相关例句


1. They divided the deer's carcass, the hunter taking the hinder parts.


1. Age hinders me from moving about.

2. Don't hinder him in his work.

3. The policy will promote rather than hinder reform.

4. Don't hinder me.


1. Help out, don't hinder.

hinder 网络解释

1. 妨碍:则可记成: 干旱季节(drought)已到来, 节水思想(thought)很重要(记忆窍门)由于词尾都是 ster ,则可记成:妹妹(sister)是收养的(foster)(记忆窍门)由于词尾都是 nder,则可记成:妨碍(hinder)奇事(wonder)(better)海狸(beaver)(explode),

2. 碍:则可记成: 干旱季节(drought)已到来, 节水思想(thought)很重要(记忆窍门)由于词尾都是 ster ,则可记成:妹妹(sister)是收养的(foster)(记忆窍门)由于词尾都是 nder,则可记成:妨碍(hinder)奇事(wonder)(better)海狸(beaver)(explode),

3. 妨碍/干扰:heavy ball 重球 | hinder 妨碍/干扰 | hindrance 妨碍

4. 阻碍:unprecedented 空前的 | hinder 阻碍 | applicable 可适用的

hinder 词典解释

1. 阻碍;妨碍;阻止
    If something hinders you, it makes it more difficult for you to do something or make progress.

    e.g. Does the fact that your players are part-timers help or hinder you?...
    e.g. Further investigation was hindered by the loss of all documentation on the case.

2. 牵制,束缚(动作)
    If something hinders your movement, it makes it difficult for you to move forward or move around.

    e.g. A thigh injury increasingly hindered her mobility...
    e.g. Landslides and bad weather are continuing to hinder the arrival of relief supplies to the area.

hinder 单语例句

1. hinder的反义词

1. While activating the film market, blockbusters also hinder the diversification of China's film market.

2. But many worried the corporate income tax law that took effect this year may hinder the influx of foreign capital.

3. So much wealth tied up in piles of cold steel and cement may hinder the government's plan to spur domestic demand.

4. The compensation will not hinder the victims from filing civil law suits, the government says.

5. hinder的近义词

5. Fu's lawyer Zhou Ze said that if his client is found guilty it could further hinder the ability of journalists to conduct their work.

6. Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee says retaining Sha Tau Kok town within the Frontier Closed Area will not hinder the area's development.

7. Hennig, feared such a funding shortfall may hinder patients'adherence to the treatment plan.

8. hinder在线翻译

8. The pro - " independence " DPP administration has attempted to hinder Lien's mainland visit and threatened legal action if he signs an agreement with the CPC.

9. hinder

9. Such practices hinder fair competition in the market, and impose administrative barriers that dampen the economy.

10. Stigma has been shown to restrict the utilization of preventive programs, and hinder the adoption of preventive behavior like condom use and HIV status disclosure.

hinder 英英释义



1. put at a disadvantage

    e.g. The brace I have to wear is hindering my movements

    Synonym: handicap hamper

2. hinder的反义词

2. be a hindrance or obstacle to

    e.g. She is impeding the progress of our project

    Synonym: impede

3. hinder是什么意思

3. hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of

    e.g. His brother blocked him at every turn

    Synonym: obstruct blockade block stymie stymy embarrass