hold firm

hold firm [həuld fə:m]  [hold fɚm] 

hold firm 基本解释


hold firm 网络解释

1. 挺住 掩护东岸:Okay, Bulldog, take the northwest quad.|好的 斗牛犬 往西北方向去 | Gator, hold firm, cover that east bank.|Gator 挺住 掩护东岸 | Samuel's in position?|Samuel就位了吧?

2. 固守:18. stand firm站稳立场 | hold firm固守 | firm friendship牢不可破的友谊

hold firm 单语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. It will also allow the firm to hold a leading position in the world PC market.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The Bucks will hold firm and Yi will wind up wearing their uniform.

3. hold firm的反义词

3. The department said local consumer sentiment should hold firm on the back of improving income conditions.

4. He thinks Microsoft will hold firm at $ 31 per share but may try to placate Yahoo by agreeing to pay entirely in cash.

5. The Long March spirit inspires the next generation to hold a firm belief in the Communist Party's leadership.

6. China has allowed foreign shareholders of a joint venture fund management company to hold up to 49 per cent of the firm since December 2004.

7. hold firm的近义词

7. He called on the global board to hold a meeting in Shanghai to sketch out the firm's Asia strategy.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. The group has also become the first Chinese firm to hold shares in a research and development center in a World 500 company.

9. The Tangshan steel firm and Shougang hold a 49 and 51 per cent stake in the venture respectively.

10. Hoenig " judged that policy needed to be slightly firm to hold inflation in check ", the minutes said.

hold firm 英英释义

hold firm在线翻译


1. hold firm

1. refuse to abandon one's opinion or belief

    Synonym: stand pat stand firm stand fast