
honing ['həʊnɪŋ]  ['hoʊnɪŋ] 






honing 基本解释



动词把(刀、剑等)磨光( hone的现在分词 )

honing 网络解释


1. 珩磨:排放,油耗,寿命等.你好!你所说的方法没有错,但只能针对那些珩磨(HONING)要求不高的老技术发动机.在以前只需要一道珩磨工序,当采取欧2排放时两道珩磨也就可满足了即粗

2. 搪磨:须以退火消除 (B)热作比冷作容易精确控制尺寸 (C)珠击法(shot peening)可以提高材料之疲劳强度 (D)温热锻造(thermo-forging)的温度高於再结晶温度,不会产生加工硬化. ( A )153.搪磨(honing)一内孔时,其搪磨头需作 (A)上下往复之螺旋运动 (B)在固定位置回转 (C)固定不动 (D)上下往复直线运动.

3. 塘光:grinding 研磨 | honing 塘光 | machining 加工

4. 金属表面磨损:honeycombwinding 蜂巢式绕组 | honing 金属表面磨损 | honing 珩磨

honing 单语例句

1. honing的解释

1. He might have come close to dropping tennis altogether as a kid, when he also was honing his diamond skills.

2. honing的意思

2. Instead of being carried away by their prominence on the Top 500 list, these enterprises should think more about honing their own competitive edge.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. The overall purpose of primary and intermediate flight training is the acquisition and honing of basic airmanship skills.

4. Holland is the honor country at the exhibition this year and the Dutch group Yuri Honing Trio entertained visitors at the Dutch stands.

5. honing

5. Bryant says it's all about winning, and honing his skills.

6. So he spends his days honing his martial arts skills, tending to his garden and feeding his chickens when not on patrol.

7. honing是什么意思

7. Qian says the joint program will focus on developing leadership skills, building global mindsets and honing managerial practices.

8. He is believed to have been honing plans to consolidate political gains and foster ties with Iran.

9. honing的反义词

9. But rather than honing in on the hardships of rural life in her works, she chose to focus on the good parts.

10. honing的意思

10. He attributed his win to spending a few hours each night after work honing his memory.