hook up

hook up [huk ʌp]  [hʊk ʌp] 

hook up 基本解释

hook up

连接; 联播; 联机; [俚语]结婚

hook up 网络解释

hook up的近义词

1. 接洽妥当:hold water 经得起考验的;合乎逻辑的 | hook up 接洽妥当 | Hop in. 上车.

2. 连接装置:friction 摩擦 | hook-up 连接装置 | identification 识别

3. 衔接:hook procedure 拦截程序 | hook up 衔接 | Hopfield Network 霍普菲尔网络

4. 连接;插上:honored with. . . 荣获 | hook up 连接;插上 | horizon lines 地平线

hook up 词典解释

1. -> see hook 7

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 连接,接通(计算机或其他电子仪器)
    When someone hooks up a computer or other electronic machine, they connect it to other similar machines or to a central power supply.

    e.g. ...technicians who hook up computer systems and networks...
    e.g. He brought it down, hooked it up, and we got the generator going.

3. hook up

3. (尤指音乐家)(和…)搭档,(和…)联手
    If one person, especially a musician, hooks up with another, the two people start working with each other. You can also say that two people hook up.

    e.g. Anthrax have hooked up with Public Enemy for a metal/rap version of 'Bring On The Noise'...
    e.g. Seeing as how we got on so well together, it just seemed natural that we should hook up.

hook up 单语例句

1. Whitson and Tani then have two spacewalks planned to hook up power, cooling and data lines to Harmony.

2. Three spacewalks will be conducted beginning Thursday to hook everything up and get a jump on the next shuttle flight.

3. While some married people are looking forward to pretending to be single again, some of those without a significant other are hoping to hook up with someone special.

4. hook up的解释

4. Because of the orbital mechanics required to hook up with the orbiting outpost, that means NASA has only five minutes at set times of day to launch.

5. Investors appear to be giving up hope of any chance of a negotiated settlement with the authorities that could let YUKOS off the hook.

6. It has inked an agreement with Wuxi city government in East China's Jiangsu province to hook locals up with work there.

7. hook up的反义词

7. It remains a pressing problem to hook up the actual needs of enterprises with the technological achievements being made in research institutions.

8. But sources with the Guangzhou Municipal Commercial and Industrial Bureau said these two agencies were only registered to hook up people from within the country.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. If you only hook up on weekends, then leave one of these cushions in each of your homes.

10. The SAR government can introduce policies and measures in the PA meant to hook up with the whole nation's development strategy.

hook up 英英释义

hook up什么意思


1. connect or link

    e.g. hook up the houses to the gas supply line
           Hook up the components of the new sound system