
horizontal [ˌhɒrɪˈzɒntl]  [ˌhɔ:rəˈzɑ:ntl] 



horizontal 基本解释


形容词水平的,卧式的; 地平线的; [植](枝条)平层的; 同一行业的,同阶层的

名词水平线; 水平面; 水平位置; 水平的物体

horizontal 同义词


形容词plane level even flat

horizontal 反义词



horizontal 相关例句


1. On a map there are horizontal lines and vertical lines.

2. The ground was horizontal to the flagpole.

horizontal 网络解释


1. 水平方向:本视频滤镜效果可以让画面形成一种波动效果,很像是水面上的波纹运动. 波纹的形式可从正弦(Sine)、圆形(Circle)、三角形(Triangle)或方形(Square)中选取一种. 利用滑块调整在水平方向(Horizontal)和垂直方向(Vertical)中的波动力度. 调整的参

2. 水平线:)命令绘制点2.2.3 利用节点(Node pts)命令给制点2.2.4 利用控制点(Cpts NURBS)命令绘制点2.2.5 利用动态点(Dynamic)命令绘制点2.2.6 利用定长(Length)命令绘制点2.3 直线(LINE)的绘制方法2.3.1 水平线(Horizontal)的绘制方法2.3.

3. horizontal:hor; 水平的

horizontal 词典解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 水平的;横的
    Something that is horizontal is flat and level with the ground, rather than at an angle to it.

    e.g. The board consists of vertical and horizontal lines...
    e.g. Swing the club back until it is horizontal.

The wind was cold and drove the snow at him almost horizontally.
...a horizontally striped tie.

2. 水平线;横线;水平结构
    A horizontal is a line or structure that is horizontal.

    e.g. The undulating planes of the countryside provide relief from the hard horizontals and verticals of the urban scene.

horizontal 单语例句

1. Establishing vertical business branches and horizontal regional headquarters in different countries and regions enables companies to form a new management structure.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Perhaps it was a Christmas jumper, but Britney's choice of horizontal striped cardigan did little for her.

3. This also allows you to see any sediment more clearly than when you do lift the bottle up - still horizontal.

4. Managers should therefore establish vertical and horizontal communication channels in order to encourage constant discussion throughout the organization.

5. horizontal

5. Otherwise it stays close to the formula of the Curve, with a horizontal screen above a trackball and a keyboard with one letter per key.

6. horizontal

6. What is the essential difference between China's " vertical democracy " and the West's horizontal structure?

7. Dancers stay on a straight horizontal line and do 360 - degree turns while on the move.

8. horizontal的意思

8. His tremendous potential on the horizontal bar was displayed at a very young age with his elegant and smooth moves of high difficulty.

9. The integration will encompass horizontal and vertical consolidation, meaning consolidation within the same segment and across industries.

10. It features Volkswagen's familial front face and " clear structured, horizontal " lines.

horizontal 英英释义



1. something that is oriented horizontally


1. horizontal

1. parallel to or in the plane of the horizon or a base line

    e.g. a horizontal surface