horn in

horn in [hɔ:n in]  [hɔrn ɪn] 

horn in 基本解释


horn in 网络解释

horn in的解释

1. 闯入:objective gloss 正反射光强 镜面光泽 | horn in 闯入 | hypermetamorphism 复变态

2. (美国俚语)闯入;干预:5) cutthroat a. 残酷的,无情的 | 6) horn in(美国俚语)闯入;干预 | 7) stalker. n. 潜随猎物者

3. [美俚]闯入; 打扰; 插话, 插嘴:horn and corn [废]牲畜和饲料 | horn in [美俚]闯入; 打扰; 插话, 插嘴 | horn of abundance 丰饶之角 五谷丰登

4. 干涉;干预:17 gripe 抱怨 | 18 party pooper 令人扫兴的人,煞风景的人 | 19 horn in 干涉;干预

horn in 单语例句

1. " In most families the office of butler was one which commanded respect and even awe, " Horn wrote.

2. She also praised China's continuing effort in helping countries in need - the most recent case being the Horn of Africa.

3. Salamon said the ship operators were not in direct contact with the US Navy, but were communicating with other maritime security watchdogs in the Horn of Africa.

4. horn in

4. China renewed a call yesterday for a cooperative international effort against Somali piracy by defining patrol areas in the Horn of Africa.

5. China renewed a call Thursday for a cooperative international effort against Somali piracy by defining patrol areas in the Horn of Africa.

6. Experts fear the conflict in Somalia could engulf the already volatile Horn of Africa.

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7. Shipments of wheat and rice to drought and famine victims in the Horn of Africa have already left China.

8. It is the worst fighting in the capital of the failed Horn of Africa state for several years.

9. horn in

9. It is absurd for some countries to try and blame China for the famine in the Horn of Africa.

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10. The emergence of museum horn thefts coincides with an alarming surge in the poaching of live rhinos in Africa.

horn in 英英释义


1. horn in

1. search or inquire in a meddlesome way

    e.g. This guy is always nosing around the office

    Synonym: intrude pry nose poke