

hornlike 双语例句


1. The great horned owl gets its name from the hornlike tufts on its head.

2. A new rhinoceros beetle found in Peru has a hornlike structure on its head that had never been seen before—except in Dim, a character in the Disney/Pixar animated film A Bug's Life.


3. Small North American owl having hornlike tufts of feathers.

4. Any of various marine fishes of the family Ostraciidae, especially Lactophrys quadricornis of warm Atlantic waters, having hornlike spines over each eye.

5. Any of several venomous snakes of the genus Cerastes, such as the horned viper, having hornlike projections over each eye.

6. Calyx segments not hollow and hornlike apically; petiole 1.8-40 cm; leaf blade base rounded to cordate or oblique, cuneate to cordate on 1 side, rounded to cordate on other; lateral veins 6-9 on each side of midrib; peduncle 3.5-25 cm.
    顶部的不彻底的花萼裂片和角状;叶柄1.8-40厘米;叶片基部圆形到心形或偏斜,楔形的到心形在一边上,圆形到心形在另1面;侧脉6-9在中脉每边各;花序梗3.5-25 厘米 10

7. Made of horn or a hornlike substance; horny.

8. Trunkfish having hornlike spines over the eyes.


9. Having a horn, horns, or a hornlike growth.