
hostel [ˈhɒstl]  [ˈhɑ:stl] 







hostel 基本解释

名词旅社,招待所; 〈英古〉旅馆; 〈英〉大学宿舍


hostel 相关例句


1. The boys have hosteled at the same inn each time they visited France.


1. A youth hostel is a place where esp. young people stay when they are on a walking holiday.

hostel 网络解释

1. 青年旅社:住酒店可就不一样,从青年旅社(hostel) , 汽车旅馆(motel), 到五星级的豪华酒店, 选择就太多了. 如果大家认为旅馆酒店就是个睡觉的地方,再哪睡都一样,越便宜越好,那这篇文章的用途基本就没有了. 如果大家认为出去玩住的一定要舒服的话,

2. 青年旅馆:本次的调查对象为2000名经常入住青年旅馆(hostel)的消费者,调查发现只有9%的受访者使用微博网站Twitter,然而使用Facebook的受访者却接近一半,还有接近三分之一的受访者是视频分享网站Youtube的用户.

3. 招待所:青年招待所(Hostel)提供更为便宜的住宿地方. 招待所不仅提供便宜的留宿处,还给年青人在旅行期间提供了结交其他国家青年的机会. 近年来,很多美国人喜欢去宿营地(Camp Grounds)渡周末.

4. 人皮客栈:在片中扮演盟军派往敌后执行任务的小分队的领导,一个叫Aldo Raine的军官. <<无良杂种>>故事说的是8名被军事法庭判处死刑的美国犹太人士兵前往纳粹占领下的法国为盟军执行一项自杀式的任务. 除了皮特,<<人皮客栈>>(Hostel)导演艾里.罗斯(Eli ...

hostel 词典解释

1. (通常由当地政府或慈善团体开办的)廉价招待所,临时收容所
    A hostel is a large house where people can stay cheaply for a short period of time. Hostels are usually owned by local government authorities or charities.

hostel 单语例句

1. The only highlight for entertainment is a hostel and tea house run by a young couple who moved to Jinxi for its romantic charm.

2. Local officials said the surviving tourist is resting in a county hostel.

3. Further down the lane is the renowned Chengdu Dragon Town Youth Hostel.

4. Welcome to " Hostel Ikea " - a startling if very temporary foray by the Swedish furniture giant into the hospitality sector.

5. He said that they had stayed at a hostel in Dera Ghazi Khan city.

6. hostel在线翻译

6. The relentlessly graphic " Hostel " cost less than $ 5 million to make but took in more than $ 80 million at the global box office.

7. He was " advised to stay in " at the Malan hostel.

8. hostel的反义词

8. A hotel can cost $ 300 per day or more, while a hostel may be found for about $ 6 a night for a basic single.

9. The job hostel concept was introduced to China in 2006, when the booming real estate market pushed prices out of most job seekers'range.

10. Their dream came true in early 2009 when they became the first foreigners running a hostel in the beautiful valley town Kangding.

hostel 英英释义


1. inexpensive supervised lodging (especially for youths on bicycling trips)

    Synonym: youth hostel student lodging

2. a hotel providing overnight lodging for travelers

    Synonym: hostelry inn lodge auberge