hot dogs

hot dogs


原级:hot dog

hot dogs 基本解释
<口>热狗( hot dog的名词复数 );
hot dogs 网络解释


1. 热狗:这里介绍一种英美等国家人们喜食的食品-热狗(Hot dogs). 19世纪中期德国人发明了狗香肠(frankfurter),又称法兰克福香肠. 19世纪由德国传入美国,20世纪初,纽约棒球赛场上漫画家塔德.多尔根(Tad Dorgan)看到小贩们叫卖,

2. 你想要什么? 汉堡包? 热狗? 还是什么:What?|什么? | What do you want? Burgers? Hot dogs? What?|你想要什么? 汉堡包? 热狗? 还是什么? | - Whatever you're cooking. Throw it on. - Start with a beer?|- 只要是你做的都行 拿上来吧 - 先喝啤酒吧?

3. 背景知识:Earl (英国的)伯爵 | servant 仆人;佣人;雇工 | 背景知识Hot dogs

hot dogs 单语例句

1. Both had the feel of games played almost anywhere in America with hot dogs and peanuts on sale and vendors selling beer and soft drinks.

2. The hot dogs here are plump and juicy and look quite like the photos featured on the wall.

3. hot dogs是什么意思

3. Barbecues were fired up and entrepreneurs were selling hot dogs and coffee to people camped along the side of the road.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. Hungry visitors can visit the snack bar for some kebabs, hot dogs or prepackaged snacks.

5. The pair grabbed hot dogs from a street vendor but ignored questions from reporters while they ate.

6. Chestnut placed second in last year's Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest, consuming 52 hot dogs.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. The nitrites contained in hot dogs have also been linked to increased rates of cancer in some studies.

8. hot dogs的意思

8. The same format applies in Sunday's final, but hot dogs will be replaced with curry rice.