hot season

hot season [hɔt ˈsi:zən]  [hɑt ˈsizən] 

hot season 基本解释
hot season 网络解释

1. 热季,炎热季节:hot sealing wax ==> 热封蜡 | hot season ==> 热季,炎热季节 | hot set ==> 热变定

2. 旺季:7 reserve a room 预定一个房间 | 9 hot season 旺季 | single room 单间

hot season 单语例句

1. Her study has found no significant change in the characteristics of summer thermal stress, but she said the duration of the hot season could get longer.

2. And, this is the right season for a steaming hot pot of rice.

3. hot season的翻译

3. It's also a good idea to try some grilled meat during the cold season if you are tired of too much hot pot.

4. The NMC analyzed the number of hot days and consecutive hot days in different cities, as well as the average high and low temperatures during the summer season.

5. For Xinjiang's travel industry, the period between July and early October is the hot season.

6. Scald with a large spoonful of hot oil, and season with salt.

7. The fourth quarter is traditionally the hot season for agricultural exports, as market demand usually picks up between Christmas and the Spring Festival.

8. Unfortunately, we dropped our last four out of five games after starting the season red hot.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. Hot pot restaurants are especially popular during the winter season when the city cools down and diners are looking for a nice hot meal.

10. The Guangdong Provincial Observatory warned that Guangdong has entered its hot summer season, and the temperature is expected rise to above 36 C in one or two days.