how about

how about [hau əˈbaut]  [haʊ əˈbaʊt] 

how about 基本解释
how about 网络解释

1. 怎么样:为什么干(why),对象是谁(whom),什么时间干(when),什么地点(where),如何干(how to do),营销任务多少(how many),营销成本是多少(how much)以及后果怎么样(how about),这也就是说<<营销人员职位税明书>>是企业进行目标管理(MBO)的需要,

2. 如何?...怎么样:keep house 管理家务;做家务 | How about? ...如何?...怎么样? | in a hurry 匆忙;立即,很快地

3. 如何,...怎样:hot dog / / 红肠面包,小红肠 | how about / / ...如何,...怎样 | how do you do / / 你好

4. 怎麽样(建议性):431. How come?为何 | 432. how about ...怎麽样(建议性) | 433. hundreds of 成百上千

how about 单语例句


1. If you come upon a business report about Beijing's real estate market, how do you interpret its " vacancy rate "?

2. William has also spoken about how " lucky " he felt to have been welcomed by Catherine's parents during the course of their relationship.

3. Do not argue with me about how to calculate the amount of waste and pollution, and how to project their growth in a given period.

4. I tried to calm down and talked to him about how dangerous his behavior was.

5. My hotfooted friend was making candid movies to educate the public about how to lend assistance to emergency callers while protecting your phone.

6. How investors incorporate this analysis into their investment activity depends on their beliefs about the gold market.

7. They didn't really care about how the Olympic gold medalist got into a doctoral program.

8. Actually my parents never care how much money we spend on them, it is enough that we care about them.

9. how about

9. The two dozen members of the cast worried about how the audience would react to their performance in the production in Guangzhou.

10. But when the party is all about the turkey, how do you cater for the vegetarians and still keep the meat lovers happy?