
howl [haʊl]  [haʊl] 








howl 基本解释


不及物动词嚎叫,咆哮; 哀嚎; <俚>开心地狂笑; <俚>狂欢

名词嗥叫; 嚎哭; <俚>及其可笑的事物

howl 相关例句


1. Someone howled out my name.


1. The wolves howled all night.

2. The wind howled in the trees.

3. He howled (out) my name.

4. The dog howled when it was shut in the house.


1. The little girl set up a howl.

howl 网络解释

1. 嚎叫:(12)这是个实有其事的诗歌朗诵会,诗人艾伦.金斯堡后来引起极大争议的成名作(嚎叫)(Howl)一诗,就是在这个朗诵会上首次发表. (13)勃根地:葡萄洒的一种. (14)用佩奥特掌(一种墨西哥仙人掌)提炼而戚的迷幻药. (15)本书中的寇迪一角,

2. 狂嗥:在这个技能领域中的第一个技能是狂嗥(Howl),此技能可以迫使敌人逃离您所在的位置. 当您处于剧本1的血之荒原(Blood Moor),或是在地狱的深处时,狂嗥是个非常好用的技能. ---由于野蛮人可以使用找寻药剂的技能寻找医疗药剂,

3. 咆哮:),做完就离开(dodge)树上结蜜糖(treacle),或者发神谕(oracle),男生戴手铐(manacle),债多会崩溃(debacle)傲了猫头鹰(owl),思考才皱眉(scowl),怎样才咆哮(howl),生长变吼叫(growl)于是一场由泰坦族和新神族之间的战争展开了,

4. 嚎:<<呼嚎>>(Howl)是一部三维渲二维的动画短片,由著名动画导演TOD执导. TOD曾经是幸星原创意总监Becky的学生,曾参与制作<<玩具总动员>>等知名影片. <<HOWL>>是TOD的个人动画代表作,整部片子在幸星制作完成,幸星的技术能力得到了TOD导演的充分认可.

howl 词典解释

1. howl的反义词

1. (狼、狗等)长嚎,嗥叫
    If an animal such as a wolf or a dog howls, it makes a long, loud, crying sound.

    e.g. Somewhere in the streets beyond a dog suddenly howled, baying at the moon.

2. (人因疼痛、愤怒、愁苦而)吼叫,嚎哭,哀号
    If a person howls, they make a long, loud cry expressing pain, anger, or unhappiness.

    e.g. He howled like a wounded animal as blood spurted from the gash...
    e.g. The baby was howling for her 3am feed.

3. (风)呼啸,怒号
    When the wind howls, it blows hard and makes a loud noise.

    e.g. The wind howled all night, but I slept a little...
    e.g. It sank in a howling gale.

4. howl的近义词

4. (人)高声嚷,大声呼叫
    If you howl something, you say it in a very loud voice.

    e.g. 'Get away, get away, get away' he howled...
    e.g. The crowd howled its approval.

5. 放声(大笑)
    If you howl with laughter, you laugh very loudly.

    e.g. Joe, Pink, and Booker howled with delight...
    e.g. The crowd howled, delirious.

相关词组:howl down

howl 单语例句

1. Several musician friends of Dio celebrated the rocker by performing tunes that featured Dio's signature howl.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. Some local residents searched for the " wolf " for days, with a few even recording the dog's howl.

3. howl

3. A real sustained howl even works out the shoulders, leaving muscles more relaxed.

4. howl的意思

4. That's why members of laughing clubs don't just get together to howl with laughter themselves.

5. Droned by the aircraft propeller, her howl could be heard by all on the scene.

howl 英英释义



1. a long loud emotional utterance

    e.g. he gave a howl of pain
           howls of laughter
           their howling had no effect

    Synonym: howling ululation

2. a loud sustained noise resembling the cry of a hound

    e.g. the howl of the wind made him restless

3. the long plaintive cry of a hound or a wolf


1. laugh unrestrainedly and heartily

    Synonym: roar

2. make a loud noise, as of wind, water, or vehicles

    e.g. The wind was howling in the trees
           The water roared down the chute

    Synonym: roar

3. emit long loud cries

    e.g. wail in self-pity
           howl with sorrow

    Synonym: ululate wail roar yawl yaup

4. cry loudly, as of animals

    e.g. The coyotes were howling in the desert

    Synonym: wrawl yammer yowl