
hullabaloo [ˌhʌləbəˈlu:]  [ˈhʌləbəˌlu] 



hullabaloo 基本解释



hullabaloo 网络解释


1. 喧嚣:hull 外壳 | hullabaloo 喧嚣 | hulled 有壳的

2. 喧嚷声,吵闹声:hucksterize 强制推销 | hullabaloo 喧嚷声,吵闹声 | humdinger 极好的人或事

3. 吵闹(声), (混乱, 骚动)声:hic 打嗝声 | hullabaloo 吵闹(声), (混乱, 骚动)声 | oho 表示惊讶, 高兴, 嘲弄时所发声音

4. 喧嚣; 吵闹; 喧哗 (名):hull 去壳 (动) | hullabaloo 喧嚣; 吵闹; 喧哗 (名) | hum 嗡嗡声, 杂声, 哼声 (名)

hullabaloo 词典解释

1. 吵闹声;喧嚣;喧哗
    A hullabaloo is a lot of noise or fuss made by people who are angry or excited about something.

    e.g. I was scared by the hullabaloo over my arrival.

hullabaloo 单语例句


1. The hullabaloo of the Oscars reached a climax on Sunday in Los Angeles, with the international media reveling in the Hollywood's glitz and glamor.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. Despite the hullabaloo at Durban, more urgent action is needed to save the planet.

3. hullabaloo是什么意思

3. The large pepperoni pie was finally delivered after much hullabaloo, but the frustrating experience made me feel like a failure.

4. But after all the hullabaloo surrounding the election in the United States, the internal and external challenges facing the Obama administration remain grim.

5. A look at the timing of the ongoing hullabaloo around Syria's chemical weapons issue may shed some light on the question.

6. hullabaloo是什么意思

6. The current hullabaloo among the public, media and research institutes alike misses the point.

hullabaloo 英英释义


1. disturbance usually in protest

    Synonym: agitation excitement turmoil upheaval