
humbleness ['hʌmblnɪs]  ['hʌmbəlnɪs] 

humbleness 基本解释



humbleness 网络解释

1. 谦逊:懒惰(Sloth) 热心(integrity) 写个作业犹如把你挚爱的人用小火微炖愤怒(Wrath) 温和(composure) 骂我的话,我学了不少了. 妒忌(Envy) 宽容(giving) 至今你还以为我和小琪是男女朋友吧?傲慢(Pride) 谦逊(humbleness) = =~!不想多说了.

2. 卑微:gone离去 | humbleness卑微 | impressive永生难忘

3. 谦逊; 卑贱 (名):humble 卑下的, 粗陋的, 谦逊的 (形) | humbleness 谦逊; 卑贱 (名) | humbly 谦逊地, 恭顺地; 卑贱地; 卑微地 (副)

4. 我想要結識的人:最喜歡的電視節目: maging sino kaman | 關於我: im not perfect person. but i can be a good frnd. | 我想要結識的人: friendly girl,lover,sweetness,humbleness,understanding thats all thank you.

humbleness 单语例句

1. Rather, they tried to impress consumers with their honesty and humbleness.

2. Most Chinese tend to think that American culture smacks of arrogance and that the Chinese culture is about restraint and humbleness.

3. Students may think that they should salute wealthy or powerful people, thus enhancing their sense of humbleness.

4. Bruce Lee Ancestor's House less than a 1 km from the park is another stopover for Lee's fans despite its humbleness and sparse furnishings.

humbleness 英英释义


1. a disposition to be humble
    a lack of false pride

    e.g. not everyone regards humility as a virtue

    Synonym: humility

2. a humble feeling

    e.g. he was filled with humility at the sight of the Pope

    Synonym: humility

3. the state of being humble and unimportant

    Synonym: unimportance obscureness lowliness