1. The sea here is particularly rich, and the plankton eating humpbacks sieve out some food.
2. These three humpbacks came over to me to check me out.
3. The petrograms were formed from the New Stone Age to the Western Xia period, recorded many activities of ancient human beings, such as grazing, hunting, feting, dancing and even wars. Along with the abundant records of ancient people`s daily lives, there are plenty animal figures, including the figures of sheep, cows, horses, humpbacks, tigers and panthers.
4. Rescuers and spectators lost sight of the pair today, making some believe the humpbacks have reentered the Pacific Ocean.
5. Fin whales make pulsed sounds at around 20 hertz, while humpbacks sing at much higher frequencies.
6. Found in coastal waters worldwide, humpbacks are known for their magical songs, haunting sequences of moans, howls, cries, and other noises that often continue for hours on end.
7. During that time 122 right whales died, along with 473 humpbacks (Megaptera novaeangliae), 257 fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) and scores of whales of other species.
8. She describes how humpbacks build " nets " of bubbles to catch fish & a form of communal tool use;
1. The former Soviet Union also hunted humpbacks until 1973 in defiance of the ban, though it is disputed how many they killed.
2. humpbacks
2. Scientists note that humpbacks migrate to the southern seas from breeding grounds around the world.
3. Japanese whaling officials said on Friday they had not harpooned any humpbacks yet.
4. The country wiped off the humpbacks from the target list in mid December under the International Whaling Commission's proposal.