
hush [hʌʃ]  [hʌʃ] 






hush 基本解释





hush 同义词

动词quiet quieten muffle mute silence calm

hush 反义词

及物动词fuss clamor

hush 网络解释


1. 肃静:但这并不是一张纯粹的专辑,因为唱片里翻唱了例如<<嗨,乔>>(Hey Joe)与<<肃静>>(Hush)之类的名歌. <<肃静>>作为单曲爬上了美国榜的第五位,为乐队在美国赢得了声誉. 1969年,乐队发行了<>与同名唱片<<深紫>>(Deep Purple).

2. 禁止尖叫:吸血鬼的扮演者乔纳森.斯卡奇算是其中资历最长的一个,作品包括汤姆.汉克斯导演的喜剧片<<那一天传奇>>,以及和格温妮丝.帕尔特洛、杰西卡.兰格两位知名女星合作的<<禁止尖叫>>(Hush)等.

3. (肃静)嘘:Hurrah!-万岁! | Hush!-(肃静)嘘! | Incredible!-不可思议!

hush 词典解释

1. (用于要求或命令别人安静)嘘
    You say 'Hush!' to someone when you are asking or telling them to be quiet.

    e.g. Hush, my love, it's all right.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. (使)安静下来;(使)停止说话
    If you hush someone or if they hush, they stop speaking or making a noise.

    e.g. She tried to hush her noisy father...
    e.g. I had to box Max's ears to get him to hush.

3. 寂静;宁静;(突然出现的)安静
    You say there is a hush in a place when everything is quiet and peaceful, or suddenly becomes quiet.

    e.g. A hush fell over the crowd and I knew something terrible had happened.

相关词组:hush up

hush 单语例句

1. Some victims chose to hush up while some outsiders tend to believe the family could easily overcome the disputes and restore the usual warmth.

2. hush

2. As the film projector burst into life and the screen filled with color, a hush fell over the crowd.

3. There is almost an awed hush as we all quietly demolish all that is before us.

4. But in such a place featuring quietness and the hush of the nature, it remains a grandeur.

5. Most of the hush money had since been returned, he said.

6. hush的近义词

6. But one Chinese newspaper accused officials of trying to hush up the disaster, and even Xinhua called on officials to be more frank.

7. No wonder the local government tried to hush up the entire contaminated wastewater leak case.

8. In addition to religious practices, other behaviors and experiences are known to hush the Definer of Me.

9. The daily has said in its report that authorities were trying to hush up the incident.

10. Indeed, a hush might fall over the crowd should Wintour show emotion.

hush 英英释义


1. (poetic) tranquil silence

    e.g. the still of the night

    Synonym: stillness still


1. run water over the ground to erode (soil), revealing the underlying strata and valuable minerals

2. hush的解释

2. wash by removing particles

    e.g. Wash ores

3. become quiet or still
    fall silent

    e.g. hush my baby!

4. cause to be quiet or not talk

    e.g. Please silence the children in the church!

    Synonym: quieten silence still shut up hush up

5. become quiet or quieter

    e.g. The audience fell silent when the speaker entered

    Synonym: quieten quiet quiesce quiet down pipe down