
hyperthermia [ˌhaɪpə'θɜ:mɪə]  [ˌhaɪpə'θɜ:mɪr] 

hyperthermia 基本解释


名词高温; 体温过高; 超高温

hyperthermia 网络解释

1. 过热:80.过热(hyperthermia)是由于体温调节功能失调、散热障碍或产热器官功能异常,使体温调控不能与调定点相适应,体温被动性升高,体温升高的程度可超过调定点水平,但此时调定点并未移动,这类体温升高称为过热.

2. 体温过高:定位点上升厉害的时候,会出现 寒颤 (shivering) 现象以增加热量,并且周边的血管收缩以减少热量丧失, 於是会出现四肢冰冷. 2.体温过高(hyperthermia)的体温定位点并未变化,此时的身体反应是觉得太 热,而且周边血管发生血管扩张以散热.

3. 高温:热射病,亦称为中暑或高温(hyperthermia),是由于纯物理性的原因所致的产热或吸热过多或散热不足而引起的体温升高. 关于日射病(sun stroke)的最早概念,现已被抛弃,所有这类病例均属热射病.

4. 高热:磁性纳米粒导入体内后可以用外加磁场产生极高热 (hyperthermia)杀伤肿瘤,并与其他治疗方法联用. 如有报道将 基因治疗与磁纳米粒极高热治疗联用,在极高热杀肿瘤的同 时,由热应启动子gsdd153驱动的TNF-α基因表达量增大了3 倍.

hyperthermia 单语例句

1. hyperthermia在线翻译

1. The AP's analysis was based largely on a database of fatal hyperthermia cases compiled by Fennell's organization.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. The AP contacted medical examiner's offices in several states where this most often occurs, and the group's numbers coincided almost exactly with recorded hyperthermia deaths.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. The death was ruled homicide by hyperthermia, or high body temperature.

hyperthermia 英英释义



1. hyperthermia的翻译

1. abnormally high body temperature
    sometimes induced (as in treating some forms of cancer)

    Synonym: hyperthermy