ice cap

ice cap[ais kæp] 

第三人称复数:ice caps

ice cap 基本解释
ice cap 网络解释

ice cap的反义词

1. 冰帽:全球整数经纬交汇处(称为汇合点,Degree Confluence)共计64442个(南极与北极各视为一点),其中21541个点位于陆地(Land)上(包含大陆、岛屿、湖泊或冰河这类地形),38411个点在水域(Water)上(包括大洋),4490个点在冰帽(Ice Cap)上(也就是上方有永

2. 冰盖:联合国气候会议进入第二周讨论,各国气候权威人士陆续加入谈判,包括美国前副总统戈尔. 他在周一出席会议时发表报告,指全球暖化速度加剧,令北极的冰盖(Ice Cap)最快可能5年内便会融化.

3. 冰冠:源自以北部斯堪的纳维亚半岛(NorthernScandinavia)为中心的某一冰冠(ice cap)的冰原,向南延展抵达中欧. 在超过冰原(ice sheet)边缘以外的地区,气候的交替变化影响到世界余下地区的绝大部分;例如,在沙漠地带,较为潮湿的气候条件的时期(即洪积期,

4. 冰盖;冰冠:ice Age 冰期;冰河时代 | ice cap 冰盖;冰冠 | ice cube 近似立方形的冰块

ice cap 单语例句

1. Observers with more powerful instruments might be able to discern details on the planet's surface, including its southern ice cap and white clouds.

2. Global warming has boosted expectations that the Arctic may provide new mining, fishing and shipping prospects as the ice cap melts.

ice cap 英英释义


1. ice cap什么意思

1. a mass of ice and snow that permanently covers a large area of land (e.g., the polar regions or a mountain peak)

    Synonym: icecap