
iconography [ˌaɪkəˈnɒgrəfi]  [ˌaɪkəˈnɑ:grəfi] 


iconography 基本解释

名词图解; 插图; 画像研究; (对一个人的)肖像研究

iconography 网络解释

1. 图解:因此,历史参考的实体,即是传统建筑策略,包含建筑类型(building type)的使用,因而十分相同於整体组织原则的图解(iconography)研究一般,是一项依赖被放置於历史及历史学者对於建筑形式的结构规则表达、描述之中.

2. 造像:124.ambrosia 不死的神肴、不死的智慧 | 125.iconography 造像 | 126.peace 息

3. 插图:icon 像 | iconography 插图 | iconometer 反光镜;测距镜;测影仪;取景器

iconography 词典解释

1. iconography什么意思

1. 传统形象;图腾
    The iconography of a group of people consists of the symbols, pictures, and objects which represent their ideas and way of life.

    e.g. ...the iconography of revolutionary posters.
    e.g. ...religious iconography.

iconography 单语例句

1. iconography的近义词

1. And even the iconography of the Hong Kong exhibition venue and Cisco's booth was shown on the video.

2. iconography的翻译

2. If the Thai government follows through on the minister's proposal, officials will simply ask tattoo artists to stop using religious iconography.

iconography 英英释义



1. the images and symbolic representations that are traditionally associated with a person or a subject

    e.g. religious iconography
           the propagandistic iconography of a despot